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What are your resolutions for 2015?

What are your resolutions for 2015?

First of all, do you know the true definition of the word resolution? Here it is.

Resolution : ¹ Attitude, disposition of mind, quality of someone who does not allow himself to be diverted from his undertakings; ² Act by which, after reflection, one voluntarily decides to accomplish something [Definition according to Larousse].

This word has a much deeper meaning than what is communicated when one automatically wishes a "happy new year" when midnight strikes.

So it's more than just small, banal exchanges accompanying our greetings for the New Year.

When we start a new year, we often talk about the habits we want to change. The most common are improvements in physical condition and the way you eat. Despite our good intentions, it is difficult to keep our word. According to some sources, around 80% of new gym clients in January dropped out in March. Our society has a fairly noticeable deficit in terms of engagement. How many times have you been promised things? So that famous line: "We're planning something soon!" »Turns into unfulfilled expectation. Days go by, then months without that person contacting you. Later, you are invited to an activity and you hasten to respond positively to that invitation, then in the end you don't go for various reasons. Or even worse, you don't dare answer the invitation for fear that you have something better to do that night. Commitment to one another is increasingly rare in our society and, sadly, so too is the Christian community. Our occupations, our personal and momentary well-being is much more precious than our word ... We can notably observe this lack of commitment by observing the families which break up here and there by the rupture of commitment, whether by separation or the divorce. We are tired of working for others, for ourselves, for our marriage, our family ... We let go and then the goals we set for ourselves burn up and go up in smoke.

I would like to offer you some encouragement at the start of 2015. I would like to get you to reflect on the true meaning of the resolutions. I also want to encourage you to make lasting commitments, because most of the time when our goals are not met we are disappointed and we give up easily afterwards when we should persevere.

First of all, I would like to encourage each of you to take a look at the year that has just ended. If you could start over, what would you change? What actions would you take? What decisions would you make? What routine would you establish? This exercise is not meant to make you feel guilty for the things you should have done, but rather it is a time to think things through to get off to a good start. Finally, what do you want for 2015? What actions do you want to take? What decisions do you want to make?

Once this awareness is done, it is important to analyze the commitments you want to make and thus choose those that are realistic according to your context. The biggest difficulty we face is undoubtedly the unrealistic challenge. A single parent who has to work 5 days a week could not establish a routine identical to one who does not work at all and has no children. The same goes for the young woman who has to study and work.This is why we must take a time of serious reflection before making any commitments The time of prayer is the means par excellence at the dawn of this new year in order to ask God what He would like us see take as a commitment. Because deep down, between us, isn't it for Him that we should make all these resolutions? To give it glory with our body, our head, our thoughts, our time, our money, our marriage, our family?

Organization is arguably one of the best ways to achieve the goals we have set for ourselves. For example, establishing a visual schedule of our week (Word table, Excel, a simple piece of paper) remains a good way to have a realistic look at our life. Then it's easier to set goals that stick. There is also another great tip that exists to help us keep our commitments. Sometimes we make vague commitments. For example: "this year I will read the whole Bible (in one year)". While this resolution is laudable, it has a low success rate because it is imprecise. Anyone who makes this kind of commitment very quickly finds himself lost in the hubbub and does not know where to turn. In order to increase the success rate, this resolution should be better measured and specified by giving it short-term applications. One could say for example: “this year, I will read my Bible in one year, so I have to read three chapters a day”. Do you see the difference? The engagement is more specific; it is measurable, quantifiable and tangible. This therefore gives structure to our commitment and makes it easier to carry out.

Finally, when you have determined the things that you would like to change, improve, and realize your reality, now is the time to make some serious commitments. If you are convinced of the things that you have to change, you just need to take the right steps to achieve it. At the risk of disappointing you, there is no silver bullet. To achieve our ends, we need perseverance and discipline. Commitment therefore makes success possible, even if the motivation is not there. Is the top athlete already born with the medal around his neck? Certainly not. To get to the podium, he had to sweat a lot! He sure fell, but he got up and obviously kept going. And it is this last word, in my opinion, that is most important. Everyone happens to stumble, to have more difficult times, but persistence pays off and without a doubt the key to success.

So whatever your resolutions / commitments for 2015, whether it is to do more sport, eat better, read the word of God more, pray more, occupy a ministry on a regular basis, succeed in a personal project , your studies, etc., it does not matter, you must first experience this commitment. The goal, do we really want it? Is he realistic in my situation. Then we have to take the means to get there by fitting it into our schedule and, finally, take action and get up when you stumble. We must not forget the grace of God which is amply sufficient (2 Cor 12.9) and powerful enough to help us meet any challenge and start afresh every moment of our life - not just at the beginning of the year. Let us learn to depend on the Lord and He will strengthen us far beyond what we can think or imagine.

In closing, I would like to quote a verse that might help us see resolutions as a serious commitment to God.Too often among ourselves we laugh that we are not able to keep our resolutions, but here is a verse that shows how seriously God takes the commitments we make to Him Whether it is a commitment for a little while , for a lifetime, our vows should not be taken lightly or abandoned at the slightest pitfall encountered. So let's think before making decisions that are too often empty of meaning and conviction. Dare to commit to the Master of the Universe and you will surely experience a new dimension of your faith filled with blessings!

It is a trap for man to take a sacred covenant lightly, and to think only after having made a vow.
Proverbs 20.25

Be blessed and may God bless you abundantly during this new year which begins! I send you my best wishes for peace, love, joy, wisdom and grace!

AM xx

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