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When i need peace

Dear Valuable Readers,

You probably agree with me that we are in demand on both sides. A lot of information is transmitted to us in a short time, sometimes beautiful things, sometimes bad things. If you are like me, you need to find some peace somewhere in all this hubbub of activity and hassle. I don't pretend to say that my approach is scientific and that it will make you forget all your worries, but I wanted to write with my heart and my background quite simply. Here are three tips that over time have proven to be relevant and essential when I needed to clear my mind and calm my mind ...

1. Breathe, admire & praise

A simple walk can put a lot of things into perspective. This isn't about going for a walk to exercise, to get more exhausted. Going for a walk, in this case, is more about "emptying". Take in the fresh air, breathe the fresh air and marvel at the magnificent creation of our God. It is proven that the sun and nature have a calming beneficial effect on us and that this gives us psychological relaxation. Why is everyone so eager to travel, to go somewhere else where it is hot and where nature is different in your opinion? When we pray to the Creator God of all things, the concerns of our hearts change for a moment, our worries and worries that were reasoning in our heads and hearts are no more, they quietly dissipate, something more important becomes the object of our thoughts. Stopping and praising God for what He has done (and what He does everyday) that is wonderful is a good exercise to rejoice and remember that our God is great, greater than our worries. .

2. Keep your thoughts & be filled with the Spirit

Often the thoughts we cultivate prevent us from finding peace. You already know that desperation, bitterness, worry, anger, lust, etc. poisons the mind, but too often it is we ourselves who give free access to these thoughts in our mind. By letting them haunt us, we are simply making ourselves slaves ... These thoughts should not have control over us, we should be the ones who should have control over them. Recognizing negative thoughts is a gradual and not instantaneous journey that arises from the decision to keep your thoughts daily every hour and every moment ... Do not lose heart, it is possible to triumph over these bad thoughts! The thing? You have to be able to change harmful thoughts when they surface. God reminds us in his Word that we are transformed by the renewal of his Holy Spirit. First, we have to be aware that our mind is constantly filled with something. There is no such thing as a vacuum, even when we use the expression "to create a vacuum" - as I mentioned earlier in my first point. In fact, what we mean when we use that expression is that we want to take our minds off our feet. So the exercise here is to change your thinking completely. In the Letter to the Philippians, Paul encourages Christians in Philippi to cultivate thoughts that are true, honorable, righteous, pure, kind, worthy of approval and praise (Phil 4: 8). So anything that is contrary - what is false, disrespectful, unfair (often the devil's lies about ourselves or others), detestable (anything to do with resentment, wickedness ...) - should not be the object of our thoughts.We must therefore become aware of what goes and goes back in our head in order to identify what is the object.Once this is done, we must either encourage these thoughts (if they are good) or drive them away (if they are bad ). Fill your soul with beautiful things: true, honorable, righteous, pure, lovable, worthy of approval and praise, beautiful promises of our Lord!

3. Drop your burdens & let go

Normally when we are stressed, tormented, in short when we are looking for peace, it is because there is a situation that is eating at us. In Christian jargon, we often hear: "Lay down your burden to the Lord, ... at the foot of the cross". But what does this mean in concrete terms? These are fine words, but no one can really go to Mount Golgotha ​​to lay down their burden (by the way, what torments us does not even settle physically). This burden can be summed up as something too stressful, too irritating, too annoying, or too scary. One thing is certain: it is too heavy for us. Jesus invites us to come to him: "Come to me [Jesus] you who are weary and I will give you rest". Let me explain to you how I perceive this passage. To me, this is an invitation like an invitation a dear friend would give you, "Come and have supper at my place on Friday night and tell me what's wrong, come and confide in it will set you free." Jesus is not a fictional character who is in heaven, who is disconnected from your reality. He is alive and he is our friend, our Savior !!!! He is a real person who lives, hears, listens, speaks and acts. Do you realize it? Too often, I myself forget this truth. To lay down our burden would simply mean, at first, "to empty your sack" in the arms of our loving friend, Jesus, through communication (prayer); then, as a second step, let yourself be advised and equipped; and finally, let the Lord Himself handle the situation for us. Sometimes we go through things so huge, so heavy that no matter what we do it won't change anything, the best thing to do then becomes to do nothing, to let go, to trust. So "unload all your worries upon him, for he himself takes care of you" (1 Pet 5.7).

I hope with all my heart that these 3 tips will come in handy when your times of doubt, overwork and worry come. I pray that the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Jesus Christ (Phil 4: 8).

Bless you!

AM xx

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