Our bestsellers of 2018
This year we want to create a new tradition. Earlier this week, we presented you with some current projects that we will be releasing in 2019. In this post we want to bring you our bestsellers of 2018.
I'm still proud of the titles on this list. These aren't the books we typically find on a bestseller list. This is the ministry of Christian Publications: publishing books that strengthen and equip the Church.
If you haven't read at least one of our bestsellers, I encourage you to do so now.
1 - Systematic Theology - John MacArthur
Our best seller of 2018 was written by John MacArthur, one of our favorite authors at Christian Publications. In 2018, we sent thousands of copies to French-speaking countries in Africa and Haiti. The book was also very popular in Canada and Europe thanks to the introductory price. It was even the best-selling book of the month of October from The House of the Bible.
2 - Prosperity - Collective
Number two on our list is a book which deals with a very important subject which plagues the Church and which misleads believers with a false gospel, the prosperity gospel. This book, written by three African pastors and two American pastors, introduces the biblical gospel and clearly exposes the errors of the prosperity gospel. We have sent thousands of copies of this book to French-speaking countries in Africa in partnership with The Gospel Coalition International Outreach. This book is important and it should continue to be distributed to as many places as possible.
3 - Money - Jamie Munson
This is a very important book that deals with a taboo subject: money. However, the fact that this book is our third best seller shows that Christians take this aspect of their lives seriously. Most of the copies were purchased by churches in Quebec who use it to help their members develop a biblical understanding of money. It’s an excellent book. I encourage you all to read it and study it in small groups at your church.
4 - Being a member of a local church - Jonathan Leeman
This year, 800 copies of this book were donated at Gospel 21 conference in Geneva. Since this event, churches have been ordering copies for each of their members so that they will know what it means to be a member of a local church according to the Bible. To learn more about this book, watch this video by Gaétan Brassard which explains why it is one of his favorite books on ecclesiology. If you would like to order a copy for each member of your church, write to me and I will offer you a special price.
5 - Speaking the truth with love - David Powlison
At the Gospel 21 event in Geneva, David Powlison gave some lectures on Bible counseling In addition, Gospel 21 launched its certificate program in Bible counseling in partnership with Matthieu Caron and the Foundation Bible counseling. This is an excellent book that is used to lay the foundations for the biblical counseling movement in the Francophonie.
6 - Autobiography of John Paton
The autobiography of John G. Paton is in itself a classic work on mission. It tells the story of a courageous missionary who did not fear death and who endured terrible trials for the glory of Christ. It is a must-have work for every Christian. Earlier this year, a family of churches in Haiti ordered 450 copies to equip their members and ensure they have a vision of the mission that glorifies God.
7 - Know Christ - Mark Jones
This is one of my favorite books from those we've published. I have never been so uplifted and driven to action by reading a book. Many aspects of the Christian life make us happy. What should make us most happy, however, is learning more about Jesus. This is the kind of book that is read slowly and in prayer.
8 - Textual preaching - David Helm
In 2017, we donated thousands of copies of this book to the Francophonie in partnership with The Gospel Coalition International Outreach. In 2018, this book continues to influence the Church by training and equipping the new generation of Bible preachers and teachers.
9 and 10 - Biblical commentary by the researcher - Old Testament & New Testament
A classic commentary that continues to help Bible teachers understand the Word of God. This is a comment that should be found in the library of all Bible teachers.
It is a real pleasure to serve you The whole team of Publications Chrétiennes and I are delighted to be similarly serving you in 2019. We pledge to continue making gospel-infused, Christ-centered, and conservative books available to help you make disciples and grow in Christ's image.
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Daniel Henderson