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The Gospel Project (J.D. Greear)

This article is taken from the book Gospel by J. D. Greear

The gospel is the power of God for salvation. Nothing will transform your life like basing it on the riches of the gospel. It happened to me; it happened to our church; it will happen to you.

In light of this, I have a challenge for you which is a sequel to this book. Each day, for the next forty days, would you (a) pray the four parts of gospel-focused prayer (b) read three chapters of the Gospels: Matthew, Mark, Luke and John?

Why? I want you to saturate yourself with the gospel every day. The most gospel-centered books ever written are Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. You will find Jesus there. Remain with him in the Gospels for forty days and let gospel-centered prayer saturate your heart and mind with its beauty and love. I believe it will help you greatly in learning to abide in him. Again, here is the prayer:

  • In Christ, nothing that I do can make you love me more, and nothing I have done can make you love me less.
  • Your presence and your approval: That's all I need to be fully happy.
  • What you have been to me, This is what I will be to others.
  • By praying I will measure your compassion by the cross, and your power by the resurrection.
Previous article Here is why Raphaël Anzenberger recommends reading the book "Sustainable Evangelization"