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Voici pourquoi Paul Washer aime le livre «Justification et régénération» par Charles Leiter

Here's why Paul Washer loves the book "Justification and Regeneration" by Charles Leiter

There seems to be a huge gulf between the biblical theologian and the ordinary Christian. While the theologian succeeds in climbing the Everest of God's truth and thus being transformed by that vision, he often communicates that vision in unapproachable language; therefore, we are at the mercy of popular Christian literature which very often does not exist. is nothing more than a collection of picturesque stories, imbued with pragmatism and Christianized psychology.

The contemporary Church does not need strategies, approaches, or additional keys to understand and live the Christian life. The Church needs the truth, and in particular, the great fundamental truths of historical Christianity. In this work, Pastor Charles Leiter rendered a great service to the Church, in that he took two of the most important doctrines, and two of the most important miracles of the Christian life, and explained them using a simple vocabulary, without however emptying them of their substance.

Reading the manuscript of this book, I was amazed at its simplicity and scope. The great doctrines of justification and regeneration can only be seen in the context of other great doctrines of the faith, including the holy and righteous character of God, human depravity, propitiation, repentance, faith and sanctification. Pastor Leiter not only gave us a balanced overview of each of these doctrines, but he also showed us how they are intertwined to form the basis of the Christian life.

His insightful presentation of regeneration was of particular interest to me. Evangelism today reduces this precious doctrine to a decision, all human, manifested in a raised hand, the response to a call in a meeting, or the recitation of the "prayer of repentance." Therefore, many people believe that they are "born again" (that is, regenerated) despite the fact that their thoughts, words, and works are constantly at odds with nature and nature. God's will. Pastor Leiter demonstrates that regeneration is the supernatural work of God whereby the stony, dead and depraved heart of the sinner is replaced by a new heart that has the desire and the capacity to respond to God with love and l 'obedience. Second, Pastor Leiter deals with Romans 6 and 7 in a logical and coherent way that he communicates to the reader with profound simplicity. Our brother's position regarding these two chapters has been a source of strength, consolation, and joy throughout the years of my pilgrimage.

I read this book many times before it was published. I have benefited greatly from his teachings and warmly recommend him. May the Spirit of God enlighten your heart and mind so that you can not only understand the scriptures explained in this work, but they can become a reality in your life.

- Paul David Washer

Preface to the book, Justification and regeneration by Charles Leiter

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