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Competing Spectacles (La guerre des spectacles)

Tony Reinke
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What images should nourish our eyes? We often leave this question unanswered. In reality, we prefer to avoid it. However, viral videos, digital images, and many other forms of visual entertainment surround us constantly, vying for our time, attention, desire, and money. So we let our lazy eyes feed on whatever comes our way. Therefore, we never stop to consider the impact of our visual regime on our habits and desires.

Tony Reinke has reflected on these difficult questions himself, criticizing his own habits. He now presents his findings to us after analyzing the possibilities and pitfalls of an image-centric world. In the end, it shows us the beauty of a greater spectacle that is able to refocus our souls, fill our hearts and stabilize our gaze on the essential in this age of digital spectacle.

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TONY REINKE is the communications director of the Desiring God ministry. He is the author of Generation smartphone .


"Since we become what we contemplate, one of the biggest challenges of my generation is not to let our affections be drawn to what social media puts in front of our eyes. This book by Tony Reinke helps us do that, not by forbidding us from wonder, but by causing us to be in awe of the most beautiful. He presents us with the greatest spectacle before which all Instagram stories and YouTube videos turn pale: the cross of Jesus Christ. »
- Benjamin Eggen, former coordinator of the blog La Rébellution; author of Thirst for more? ; co-author of the book A life of challenges

"In the era of 'all digital', as digital content saturates our entire existence, continually making the world a spectacle for us, it is important that we take a step back and assess the how this culture affects our Christian walk. This work by Tony Reinke invites us to a real detoxification of these media which, too often, take control of our life. "
- Guillaume Bourin, pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of the Trinity; author of the book I will pour pure water on you ; founder of the blog Le Bon Combat; director of the Biblical Institute #Transmit

“Most of the time, we don't realize that the war is going on to capture our attention and shape our view of the world. We are too often passive behind our screens. However, it is essential to be able to recognize the things that consume our time and to understand how they shape us. Tony Reinke's analysis of media culture and the reasons for its success is of rare relevance. This book is the only one in French which is so complete on the subject. It gives us precious keys to walk uncompromisingly in our screen-filled world. His way of confronting the spectacles of this world with that of the cross renewed my love for Christ while allowing me to put the spectacles of our time in their rightful place in my life. "
- Raphaël Charrier, pastor of the Evangelical Christian Church of Grenoble; blogger on ; podcast co-host Memento Mori

"Tony Reinke helps us understand why we experience a tension between what captivates our eyes the most and what nourishes our souls the most, and how all the spectacles in this world fade and fade away in front of the spectacle. glorious of the cross. "
- Matthieu Giralt, pastor of the Action Biblique d'Étupes Church; director of; co-host of the podcast Memento Mori

"Thirty-four years after the release of the book Distract yourself to death by Neil Postman, The war of the spectacles by Tony Reinke carries the analysis of the impact of modern media to a higher level. The conception of this book is not cavalier; it is rooted in the profound biblical strategy of sanctification by sight (2 Cor 3:18). The spectacle of the glory of Christ is “the powerhouse of Christian sanctification”. Bad shows make us bad. Beautiful shows make us beautiful. Reinke shows us perfectly how to avoid the harmful effects of digital images “until we get a better view”. »
- John Piper, Founder and Teacher,; president of Bethlehem College & Seminary and author of Pleasure in God

"This book shows us how to take our eyes off the latest viral video or digital avatars of ourselves and turn to the 'spectacle' we often cringe and grin before: the crucifixion of our Lord. This is the show we need. »
- Russell D. Moore, Chairman of the Southern Baptist Convention Commission for Religious and Ethical Freedom

“The War of the Spectacles not only diagnoses our distorted vision, but it also prescribes glasses that give us 20/20 spiritual vision. Essential reading.
- Sinclair B. Ferguson, Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary; member of the college of teachers, Ligonier Ministries

“As a millennial child who wants to be conformed to Christ while having an interest in culture, I find this book extremely useful. The world seeks to capture our attention with a never-ending stream of distractions, but Reinke encourages us to rekindle our hearts before the spectacle of Christ. At the end of this book, I came away encouraged to contemplate the glory of the gospel, knowing that it will spread through me and that it will give me the capacity to be ever more like Christ. »
- Hunter Beless, host, Journeywomen podcast

“Drawing on the scriptures as the lens through which we view this digital age, Tony Reinke offers to show us through brilliantly lucid prose how we can glorify our invisible Savior in this world. filled with sensory diversions. »
- Bruce Riley Ashford, Professor of Theology and Culture, Dean of Faculty, and Rector at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary

"If this book helps readers detoxify themselves from the digital world and disconnect from all the media sources that threaten to drown us in noise and deprive us of the ability to take care of things that would really allow us to to flourish as human beings, then he will only have started to do his great job. »
- W. David O. Taylor, Assistant Professor of Theology and Culture at Fuller Theological Seminary

“Navigating the Christian life in a media-saturated culture seems more confusing than ever. Tony Reinke gives us here a desperately needed dose of clarity. »
- Jaquelle Crowe, author of It changes everything!

“Tony Reinke makes a prophetic and gracious appeal to examine ourselves as we navigate a world of limitless entertainment, spectacle and distraction. »
- Treving Wax, Director of Bibles and Reference, LifeWay Christian Resources; author of This is Our Time, Eschatological Discipleship and Gospel-Centered Teaching

“The war of spectacles can bring us back to reality, honesty and calm, if we humbly look up to the crucified and pray, 'Please show me your glory.' »
- Ray Ortlund, pastor, Immanuel Church in Nashville, Tennessee

"Tony Reinke offers us a succinct account of the threat our image-saturated society poses to faith and wisdom. We would do well to heed his message. »
- Craig M. Gay, professor at Regent College; author of Modern Technology and the Human Future and The Way of the (Modern) World

Table of contents

1. Life in the Digital Environment
2. Define the term shows
3. Seekers of distracted shows
4. It's all in the picture
5. Self-Show in Social Media
6. Self-Show in Video Games
7. Television shows
8. Goods shows
9. Politics as a spectacle
10. Terror as a spectacle
11. Shows in ancient times
12. Every nine seconds
13. The show of the body
14. The Church in the Attention Market

15. The spectakils in tension
16. William Prynne's footnote
17. The Greatest Show in the World
18. Is the cross a spectacle?
19. Two competing theaters
20. Spectators of Glory
21. The Church as a spectacle
22. The Church, Creator of Spectacles?
23. A day inside the spectacle
24. Our tensions specific to shows
25. A resolution and a request
26. The spectator in front of his sculpture
27. Such a good movie that it will destroy you, will you watch it?
28. Resistible Spectacles
29. Summaries and applications
30. My supreme concern
31. Beauty that embellishes
32. The beatific vision
33. Disillusioned, but not caught off guard


Original title : Competing Spectacles
Author : Tony Reinke
Publisher : Cruciforme
ISBN : 978-2-924595-95-4
Publication : November 2020
Dimensions : 5 "x 7"
Format : paperback
Pages : 187
Weight : 174 g

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
De bons conseils pour gagner la guerre

Une partie de ce livre est utilisée pour nous conscientiser sur la (très grande) place que prennent les écrans dans notre vie et sur les tactiques des réseaux informatiques, sociaux et de télévision pour utiliser des informations servant à captiver notre attention. L’auteur nous invite ensuite à réfléchir sur les spectacles divers qui s’offrent à nous de nos jours, non sans avoir d’abord rappelé celui de la mise à mort d’un Juif hors norme, il y a plus de deux mille ans. Il nous présente finalement des éléments d'une bonne recette pour nous aider à garder le cap sur notre but : être des spectateurs de la gloire divine.

Hélène Blouin

J'ai bien aimé ce livre. Il est des plus pertinents en cet air où l'informatique est partout. Il nous fait prendre conscience qu'il faut demeurer vigilent et ne pas se laisser submerger par toutes ces technologies. Oui, elles sont fort utiles, mais elles ne doivent pas nous dominer et prendre la place de notre Dieu. La question : est-ce que tout ce que je fais, ce que je dis, ce que j'écoute va contribuer à honorer mon Dieu, Lui rendre gloire ? - nous devons nous la poser à tous les jours. Satan est rusé. Ne le laissons pas affecter subtilement notre marche avec notre Sauveur. Merci et que la paix et la grâce de Dieu vous accompagnent.

Mario Veilleux

Je n'ai toujours pas reçu le livre, et je suis très déçu.

Pierre Gagnon
La guerre des spectacles

Désolé je n'ai pas commencé la lecture
Au plaisir
Pierre Gagnon

Etienne Omnes
Un traité bon et clair sur les spectacles

La guerre des spectacles de Tony Reinke est un traité de théologie culturelle ayant pour sujet les spectacles, et notamment la tension qui existe entre les spectacles -distractions, indignations de réseaux sociaux, objets culturels habituels- du monde et le spectacle plus discret mais plus substantiel de la gloire de Dieu. Chaque page est claire, mais le plan ne l'est pas vraiment. Le propos du livre est que nous vivons à présent dans une ère où les spectacles (objet qui captive à un moment donné l'attention humaine et qui nous est projeté) sont omniprésents et très puissants. Une époque où tous les domaines d'activités, de la guerre à la politique à la vie ordinaire est tourné en spectacles destiné à recueillir de notre part une réaction et faire de nous-même une star. En conséquence, l'Eglise -historiquement la seule productrice de spectacles- se trouve en concurrence avec des sources de spectacles avec lesquelles elle ne peut pas lutter. Plus grave encore: la gloire même de Dieu est ternie par ces spectacles plus colorés, plus plaisants plus proches et immanents. Cependant, notre saine réaction ne devrait pas être l'ascèse, mais la prudence. Ainsi, Tony Reinke fournit des principes de prudence dans la gestion des spectacles de manière à ce que notre attention soit à nouveau fixée sur le seul spectacle satisfaisant et naturel: la gloire de Jésus-Christ. Le livre est clair, bien cherché, très accessible, et prend très au sérieux son sujet. Il est biblique, sans être bibliciste, c'est à dire que l'on ne trouvera pas une liste de versets mal appliqués, mais une vraie réflexion théologique qui cherche une application sérieuse et vraie. J'ai apprécié cette lecture, et je vais garder ce livre comme référence sur le sujet.

Guy Boily
Ne vous laissez pas décourager par la première partie du livre

L’auteur nous convainc que le plus grand et merveilleux spectacle ne peut se voir par les yeux. Ne vous laissez pas décourager par la première partie du livre (comme moi), toute sa valeur est dans la deuxième partie.