<transcy>The Word of Truth (La Bible, ce qu'elle est, ce qu'elle dit) </transcy>
The Bible is the greatest “bestseller” of all time. Even today, in a so-called “post-Christian” generation, it is the most translated book in the world. Although from the highest Antiquity, she refuses to let herself die or even go out of fashion. In fact, it harbors such vitality that it elicits the most intense and violent reactions.
But, paradoxically, the Bible remains a great unknown for many, even among those who claim it. Does everyone who talks about the Bible really and intimately know it?
Where does it come from? What is its identity, its purpose, its message? So many simple and fundamental questions about which many are vague. Yet the Bible is clear and precise.
That's why, Robert Sheehan is simply examining the questions that arise about it. It seeks to enlighten the reader on the origin and status of the Bible, on its completeness and perfection. Among other things, he clearly addresses the question of original texts, translations, the biblical canon, and the testimony of the Church. Both the initiate and the neophyte will gain from reading this book, as they will be directed to the Author of the Bible and called to respond to his Word.
Robert Sheehan (1951-1997) - Trained at Bible College London, he held several pastoral positions in various English towns. Assistant editor of an evangelical magazine, he was also a popular speaker and author of numerous newspaper articles. He also gave courses in theology and Greek in several pastoral training institutions.
Table of contents
1. What is theology?
2. A God Who Reveals Himself
3. The special revelation
4. The Canon of the Scriptures and Its Authority
5. Attitudes Towards Scripture
6. The original text of Scripture
7. The Translation of the Scriptures
8. The Perfection and Fullness of Scripture
Appendices, Presentation
Appendix I - The Continuation of Prophecy Today
Appendix II - The Preparation of the Sermon
Biblical Index
Original title : The Word of Truth
Author : Robert Sheehan
Publisher : Europresse
ISBN : 978-2-906287-86-0
Pages : 156
Weight : 200 g
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback