<transcy>This momentary marriage: A parabole of permanence (Ce mariage éphémère)</transcy>
We need to embrace a more worthy, deeper, more powerful, and more glorious vision of marriage than what our culture has ever imagined. Staying true to your spouse is not, above all, to be in love with each other. Essentially, it is about respecting the alliance made.
"The purpose of this book is to broaden your view of marriage. Marriage is more than love between two people. Much more. The significance of marriage is immeasurable. Marriage consists in manifesting in the eyes of all the covenant love between Christ and his people. "
Of course, marriage is for life, but it is not forever. Marriage is a great gift from God, but it is a fleeting gift. During our few years on earth, let us learn to live this commitment as a reflection of the alliance between God and the Church.
John Piper is an Honorary Pastor and author of numerous books including May Be Happy and May the Nations Rejoice! He has been married at Christmas for almost 50 years. They have five children and twelve grandchildren.
Table of contents
Foreword - The pendulum and the portrait
Introduction - Marriage and martyrdom
1. Staying faithful to your partner does not first and foremost mean staying in love
2. Naked without being ashamed
3. The Grace of the Covenant on Display for All
4. Forgive and endure
5. How to Be Like Christ in the Covenant
6. The Heart of a Lion and the Likeness of the Lamb - The Christian Husband as the Head: Foundations of Authority
7. The Heart of a Lion and the Likeness of the Lamb - The Christian Husband as the Head: What Does It Mean to Lead?
8. The Sublime Faith of Fearless Submission
9. Single in Christ: "a better name than sons and daughters"
10. Celibacy, Marriage, and the Christian Virtue of Hospitality
11. Faith and Sexuality in Marriage
12. The purpose of marriage is to make children… disciples of Jesus: how absolute is the duty of procreation?
13. The purpose of marriage is to make children… disciples of Jesus: to overcome anger among fathers and children
14. May man not therefore separate what God has united: the Gospel and the new radical obedience
15. May man not therefore separate what God has united: the Gospel and divorce
Conclusion - This ephemeral marriage
A Few Words of Thanks
General Index
Biblical Reference Index
Resources: Desiring God
Original title : This momentary marriage: A parabole of permanence
Author : John Piper
Publisher: Cruciforme / BLF Éditions
ISBN : 978-2-924595-25-1
Publication : June 2017
Pages : 229 < br> Dimensions : 5.1 "x 8.3"
Format : paperback
Weight : 258 g