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The dark side of Christian life (Le côté obscur de la vie chrétienne)

Pascal Denault
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Did you come to the Lord thinking that all your problems would be solved? You are not mistaken, but it will however be necessary to wait for the final resurrection before all is perfect. Meanwhile, the Christian life is not always rosy. There are circumstances that can confuse and gloom Christians, until they no longer know what the normal Christian life is.

In this book, Pascal Denault answers several questions that we ask ourselves about the Christian walk and looks at several specific sufferings of the soul that undermine our relationship with God, such as doubt, depression and grip of sin. By studying key passages from the Bible, the author shows us how to outsmart the enemy's tactics and strengthen our souls in the Lord.

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Pascal Denault is pastor of the Evangelical Church of Saint-Jérôme. He obtained a bachelor's and a master's degree in theology from the Faculty of Evangelical Theology of Montreal (2001-2011). He is the author of the books Solas and A Better Alliance .


“Here is a well thought-out pastoral theological work. The three issues he addresses are interrelated: a terrifying lack of assurance of salvation, spiritual depression, and a discouraging perception that there are too few fruits in a person's life to be able to conclude that they are saved. . However, unlike most works of pastoral theology which emphasize encouragement and general advice while being poor in biblical theology, this book offers solid biblical and theological reflection, in more to offer wise pastoral care. »
–D. A. Carson, author; president and founder of The Gospel Coalition

"Here is a realistic book on the Christian life, far from the mistaken stereotypes of the 'welfare gospels' so popular today. I would have liked to go through it after my conversion, and again at the beginning of my ministry. It responds to those who wonder with pain about a walk in Christ that is not a long quiet river. It offers tremendous hope by identifying examples and biblical principles for confronting doubt, depression, and still unfinished sanctification. »
–Florent Varak, pastor; Director of Church Development, Encompass World Partners Mission

"In the course of my ministry, I have often encountered brothers who suffer in one or another of the areas covered by this book (assurance of salvation, depression, questions regarding personal sanctification). The choice to deal with the three themes in a single book is particularly appropriate, since they are often linked. I am therefore delighted to be able to benefit from - and to share with others - this resource. Pascal Denault does not hesitate to "rectify the situation" on the doctrinal level, which makes this book a good manual of practical theology. The style is accessible, the words clear and the appeal to historical theology appreciable. May God use this edifying book mightily. "
- James Hely Hutchinson, director of the Belgian Biblical Institute, Brussels

The dark side of the Christian life is an excellent Christian reflection very well popularized on depression. I particularly appreciated the nuances and theological precision of Pascal Denault throughout his presentation. In addition, the emphasis on the centrality of the gospel and the plan of redemption helps the reader to anchor in the Word of God the various modern concepts that society uses to understand depression. I recommend this book to all Christians who are going through times of depression or doubt and who want to be informed by the Bible on this subject. »
- Matthieu Caron, pastor; president of the Bible Counseling Foundation; full professor of biblical counseling at the Evangelical Baptist Seminary in Quebec; visiting professor at the Biblical Institute of Geneva

“By his clarity and simplicity, Pascal brilliantly answers many questions we all ask ourselves about our walk with Christ. This book is ideal for small group studies. I recommend it to everyone ! »
- François Turcotte, director general of the Séminaire Baptiste Évangélique du Québec (SEMBEQ)

“The issues this book addresses highlight the very partial, if not insufficient, understanding that so many Christians have of the gospel! Concerned about themselves, their gaze is on the feeling rather than on the "all is accomplished" of the cross and on the promises of God. Of course, living between the fall and the consummation of all things, in the "already and not yet", is a walk of faith with its share of questions and doubts. The author not only presents us with "patchwork" or simplistic solutions, but draws us into a structured biblical reflection that will nourish and entrench thought with a view to changing behavior. "
- Mike Evans, President of Gospel 21

“No, the Christian walk is not the long, quiet river we might have expected. No, we are not living "our best life right now". In his very useful work, Pascal Denault addresses some of the factors that most destabilize our Christian life: doubt, questions about our salvation, spiritual depression, and persistent sin. These “joy thieves” who undermine our relationship with God can be fought - and defeated! The dark side of Christian life offers everyone a most effective battle plan. »
- Guillaume Bourin, pastor; training director #Send

“Here is a book which deserves our attention and which will certainly help many Christians! If you are wondering about assurance of salvation, spiritual depression, or spiritual growth, this book will be a blessing for you and a balm for your soul. Small and deeply biblical, this work by Pastor Pascal Denault is centered on the Good News of God-Man who came to meet us, save us and transform us. As a Christian going through discouragement and spiritual depression, I have been encouraged, revived and helped by this guided tour of the scriptures that the author takes us on. As a pastor, my zeal was renewed through the reading of this book. He reminded me that the scriptures are gloriously sufficient to examine and heal our feelings and those of the Christians in our churches. Indeed, the gospel is always what we need, no matter where we are in our Christian walk. »
- Stéphane Kapitaniuk, pastor-planter; blogger,

Table of contents

Part 1: The assurance of salvation in the life of the Christian
1. The Anxiety of Doubt
2. The distinction between faith and assurance
3. An Anchor of the Soul, Safe and Strong
4. New life
5. The testimony of the Holy Spirit

Part Two: The Depression of the Soul
6. The Bible and the Depression of the Soul
7. The psychological consequences of sin
8. The Suffering of a Traumatized Soul
9. Exhaustion and Stress
10. Dosage for a happy life

Part Three: Spiritual Growth
11. Sin in the Christian's Life
12. The error of pietism
13. The Error of Evangelical Antinomianism
14. Love in the Christian Life
15. The Ordinary Life of Christians


Author : Pascal Denault
Publisher: Éditions Cruciforme
Publication : March 2019
ISBN : 978-2-924595-49-7
Pages : 250
Format : paperback
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8 , 5 "
Weight : 300 g

Blog articles

I doubt my conversion - Returning to the Gospel
Symptoms of an exhausted soul - Returning to the Gospel
My quotes favorites taken from Pascal Denault's book, The dark side of Christian life - Back to the Gospel

Customer Reviews

Based on 19 reviews
Pascal Renaut
Un petit trésor !

Ce livre réponds à plusieurs questions sur notre marche avec le Seigneur et sur la vie chrétienne et ses combats. Mets aussi de l'ordre dans plusieurs doctrines erronées qui circulent dans les églises évangéliques. À se procurer sans réserves !

Jocelyne Aubin

La commande est arrivée en bon état. Merci!


Je parle français dsl

Solide, fondé

L'ouvrage explore en profondeur le sujet de la souffrance à la lumière de la Bible, et permet de comprendre qu'elle n'est pas une anomalie dans la vie chrétienne.
Le livre nous équipe, nous prépare pour affronter les moments difficiles de la vie, lorsqu'ils arriveront.
Il nous soutient et répond à nos questions existentielles lorsque nous traversons une période difficile.

Daniel Henderson
Vraiment excellent !

Vraiment génial ! Ce livre a fait beaucoup de bien à mon âme. Pascal aborde des sujets qui nous concernent tous, en alliant une sensibilité pastorale, une justesse théologique et des applications pratiques concrètes. Le côté obscur de la vie chrétienne existe bel et bien, et y être préparé nous aide à mieux le traverser. Ce livre est là pour ça.

Daniel Henderson
Pour le chrétien qui doute d'être chrétien

Moi qui avait tant de mal à me considérer chrétien, alors que je l'étais, j'ai trouvé dans ce livre des réponses claires à mes doutes. Sachant que la foi est aussi un élan vers Jésus (l'élan pour prier Jésus par exemple), ce livre montre avec pertinence ce que peut vivre un véritable chrétien malgré ses doutes. Il montre clairement que certains doutes sont compatibles avec le salut et la foi. Je peux avoir foi en Jésus pour certaines choses et douter de Lui pour d'autres tout en étant chrétien.

Hosée Jeudi
Le côté obscure

Excellent livre à recommender pour tous, comme pour ceux qui souffrent et ceux qu'ils veulent comprendre mieux comment Christ voir et nous enseigne la souffrance dans sa Parole.

Si je fais une conférence sur la souffrance, je l'inviterai certainement. Bonne contextualisation de la société québécoise.

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