John piper
John Piper est le fondateur du ministère Desiring God. Pendant plus de 30 ans, il a été le pasteur d’une Église baptiste à Minneapolis, aux États-Unis. Il a maintenant pris sa retraite et se consacre à un ministère plus large. Il est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages, dont plusieurs sont traduits en français.
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Providence (La providence de Dieu) 8 reviews1451 in stockFrom Genesis to Revelation, the providence of God directs the entire unfolding of redemption history. Providence is "the intentional sovereignty of...
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Original price 21,95 $ - Original price 21,95 $Original price21,95 $21,95 $ - 21,95 $Current price 21,95 $| /
God is the gospel (Dieu est l'Évangile) 11 reviews99 in stockThis book is a plea for God himself to be considered the supreme gift of the gospel, as he clearly and fully revealed it in the death and resurrec...
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Original price 16,95 $ - Original price 16,95 $Original price16,95 $16,95 $ - 16,95 $Current price 16,95 $| /
Good News of Great Joy (La Bonne Nouvelle d'une grande joie - 25 méditations quotidiennes pour l'Avent) 3 reviews216 in stockAvailable: October 5, 2021 The days leading up to Christmas are marked by a time of reflection and eager anticipation as Christians around the...
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Original price 21,95 $ - Original price 21,95 $Original price21,95 $21,95 $ - 21,95 $Current price 21,95 $| /
This momentary marriage: A parabole of permanence (Ce mariage éphémère) 1 review166 in stockWe need to embrace a more worthy, deeper, more powerful, and more glorious vision of marriage than what our culture has ever imagined....
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Original price 15,95 $ - Original price 15,95 $Original price15,95 $15,95 $ - 15,95 $Current price 15,95 $| /
Five Points (Les cinq points du calvinisme) 50 in stockPresentation What is grace? It is God who delights in doing us good when we least deserve it. But do we really know how unworthy we are? Only Go...
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Original price 23,95 $ - Original price 23,95 $Original price23,95 $23,95 $ - 23,95 $Current price 23,95 $| /
Hunger for God: Desiring God through Fasting and Prayer (Jeûner - Nourrir notre faim de Dieu par le jeûne et la prière) 34 in stockPresentation Our cravings guide everything we experience on a daily basis, whether it is our stomach's appetite for good food, our thirst for po...
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Original price 18,95 $ - Original price 18,95 $Original price18,95 $18,95 $ - 18,95 $Current price 18,95 $| /
The Passion of Jesus Christ (50 raisons pour quoi Jésus doit mourir) 2 reviews48 in stockPresentation The issue of Jesus' death on the cross remains relevant, despite claims to the contrary by a secularized world. Proof of this is th...
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Original price 9,95 $ - Original price 9,95 $Original price9,95 $9,95 $ - 9,95 $Current price 9,95 $| /
Coronavirus and Christ (Le coronavirus et Christ) 11 reviews50 in stockOn January 11, 2020, a new coronavirus (COVID-19) is said to have taken its first victim in the Chinese city of Wuhan. Later, on March 11, 2020, t...
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Original price 18,95 $ - Original price 18,95 $Original price18,95 $18,95 $ - 18,95 $Current price 18,95 $| /
Prosperity ? (La prospérité?) 125 in stockPresentation But if anyone - even an angel from heaven - announces a gospel deviating from the Word of God, he is cursed. All Christians, withou...
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Original price 5,95 $ - Original price 5,95 $Original price5,95 $5,95 $ - 5,95 $Current price 5,95 $| /
Repenser la retraite
ImpactNo reviews195 in stockJohn Piper met au défi les baby-boomers de renoncer au rêve d’une retraite suivant les stéréotypes pour donner à leurs vieux jours un sens bien plu...
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Original price 18,95 $ - Original price 18,95 $Original price18,95 $18,95 $ - 18,95 $Current price 18,95 $| /
Se préparer au mariage
CruciformeNo reviews32 in stockOsez rêver avec Dieu en préparant votre mariage. Pour apprendre à mieux connaître la personne que vous aimez, vous devez naturellement vous renseig...
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Original price 16,95 $ - Original price 16,95 $Original price16,95 $16,95 $ - 16,95 $Current price 16,95 $| /
Shaped by God (Façonné par Dieu) 70 in stockThe Bible teaches truth in a way that arouses different emotions in us. However, the Psalms are in a category of their own. They don't just invite...
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Original price 8,95 $ - Original price 8,95 $Original price8,95 $8,95 $ - 8,95 $Current price 8,95 $| /
18 qualités du leader spirituel
Impact2 reviews165 in stockDieu a donné des leaders à l’Église afin d’équiper les saints pour l’œuvre du ministère, en les édifiant dans la foi et dans la connaissance de Die...
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Original price 26,95 $ - Original price 26,95 $Original price26,95 $26,95 $ - 26,95 $Current price 26,95 $| /
Expository Exultation (L'adoration et la prédication) 46 in stockPresentation Worship by preaching is one of the great means planned by God to accomplish His ultimate goal in the world. The main purpose of preach...
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Original price 21,95 $ - Original price 21,95 $Original price21,95 $21,95 $ - 21,95 $Current price 21,95 $| /
When I don't desire God (Et si je ne désire pas Dieu ? ) Previously posted under the title: Taking pleasure in God despite everything "I earnestly wish to help believers and unbelievers who see the...
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Original price 2,00 $ - Original price 2,00 $Original price2,00 $2,00 $ - 2,00 $Current price 2,00 $| /
La joie de Noël (paquet de 25 tracts d'évangélisation)
Impact2 reviews655 in stockLa joie de Noël raconte comment Jésus est venu sur terre pour apporter une paix durable. Si vous désirez commander une grande quantité de ce tract ...
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Original price 17,95 $ - Original price 17,95 $Original price17,95 $17,95 $ - 17,95 $Current price 17,95 $| /
Fight disbelief (Combattre l'incrédulité) 42 in stockPresentation We sin for a “promise” of happiness. This promise enslaves us, until we believe that God is more desirable than life itself (Psalm ...
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Original price 19,95 $ - Original price 19,95 $Original price19,95 $19,95 $ - 19,95 $Current price 19,95 $| /
Put God back at the heart of preaching Replacer Dieu au coeur de la prédication() 1 review45 in stockPresentation Sunday morning, 9:25 a.m. The biblical text is chosen. Your exegetical research is refined. The illustrations are relevant. The 3-p...
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Original price 5,95 $ - Original price 5,95 $Original price5,95 $5,95 $ - 5,95 $Current price 5,95 $| /
À la recherche de la joie (paquet de 25 tracts d'évangélisation)
ImpactNo reviews1002 in stockJohn Piper présente 6 vérités bibliques qui aideront les gens à trouver la source de la vraie joie : Jésus-Christ. Si vous désirez commander une gr...
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Original price 26,95 $ - Original price 26,95 $Original price26,95 $26,95 $ - 26,95 $Current price 26,95 $| /
A Peculiar Glory (Une gloire particulière) No reviews267 in stockGod has given all men the means to recognize that the Bible is the Word of God. The least educated individual and the most erudite scholar take the...
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Original price 5,95 $ - Original price 5,95 $Original price5,95 $5,95 $ - 5,95 $Current price 5,95 $| /
10 raisons pour lesquelles Jésus devait mourir (paquet de 25 tracts d'évangélisation)
ImpactNo reviews1027 in stockPourquoi Jésus-Christ a-t-il souffert et est-il mort ? Adapté du livre 50 raisons pour quoi Jésus doit mourir, ce tract d’évangélisation présente 1...
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Original price 15,95 $ - Original price 15,95 $Original price15,95 $15,95 $ - 15,95 $Current price 15,95 $| /
Does God Desire All to Be Saved? (Dieu veut-il que tout les hommes soient sauvés) 1 review33 in stockPresentation Divine election and God's desire that all be saved The Bible continually presents the fact that God elected a definite people f...
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Original price 21,95 $ - Original price 21,95 $Original price21,95 $21,95 $ - 21,95 $Current price 21,95 $| /
Why I love the apostle Paul: 30 reasons (Pourquoi j'aime l'apôtre Paul : 30 raisons) 1 review27 in stockOther than Jesus himself, no one had a greater impact on the world than the apostle Paul. John Piper doesn't just admire and trust him. He gives h...
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Original price 26,95 $ - Original price 26,95 $Original price26,95 $26,95 $ - 26,95 $Current price 26,95 $| /
Frères, nous ne sommes pas des professionnels
ImpactNo reviews151 in stockÀ travers une série d’essais nourris par des discussions avec ses collègues pasteurs, John Piper plaide pour abandonner la professionnalisation du ...
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