Serving as Senders (Ceux qui envoient)
As an ordinary human being, interested in missions, yet called to stay in the country, how can I get involved in the Great Command to evangelize the world? Those who leave and those who serve as senders are like two units in the same multicultural support team. Both are equally important. Both are dynamically integrated. Both are advancing towards the same goal of the fulfillment of the Great Commandment. And both are sure to succeed, for those who are in God's work are part of the winning team!
NEAL PIROLO is the founding director of Emmaus Road International. He and his wife, Yvonne, offer seminars, publications, and a variety of tools including ACTS training courses to mobilize churches, train multicultural teams, and create links between national assemblies and ministries around the world. .
“This key work makes the strategic point that those who send are as important to the cause of missions as missionaries on the front lines. It is a book full of solid and compelling reasoning on the weakest link in the missionary movement today. »
- Dr Ralph Winter, U.S. Center for World Mission
“I firmly believe that this is one of the most significant missionary works of this decade. Unless the Church and people of God respond to his message, the effort to reach the unreached will be greatly hampered. Every committed sender should be involved in the distribution of this book. »
- George Verwer, Operation Mobilization
Table of contents
1. The need for senders
2. Moral support
3. Logistical support
4. Financial support
5. Support through prayer
6. Support through communication
7. Support through reintegration
8. You are part of God's plan
Guide for group leaders
Original title: Serving as Senders
Author : Neal Pirolo
Publisher : Impact
Publication : 2000
ISBN : 978-2-89082-034-0
Pages : 224
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 274 g