<transcy>Chosen by God (eBook) (Choisis par Dieu (eBook) ) </transcy>
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We choose God because he has shown us his beauty. We love him because he loved us first.
Predestination is not a theological concept reserved for Calvinists. All believers who seriously study the Word should take an interest in this Bible doctrine.
In this book, R. C. Sproul argues that the doctrine of predestination does not create a fanciful or malicious image of God, but rather paints a portrait of a loving God who secures the redemption of a fundamentally corrupt humanity . By examining what Scripture wants to tell us about the sovereignty of God, the problem of evil, human freedom and evangelism, the author reminds us that the ways of God, while mysterious, do not contradict each other. / p>
R. C. Sproul (1939-2017) is an American theologian and pastor. He is the founder of Ligonier Ministries, an international ministry of Christian education located in the United States. He has taught at several universities and seminars, including the Reformed Theological Seminary. He has written hundreds of books for the purpose of proclaiming the deep truths of the Word of God.
“The sovereignty of God in the salvation of men often leaves Christians perplexed. R. C. Sproul approaches with the precision of a theologian and the heart of a pastor these nagging questions which surround this mystery: God is master in his election without nullifying human responsibility. The author explains his own journey from an Arminian stance towards a Calvinist conviction. It tackles with clarity and without shying away from the thorniest themes: free will, the place of faith in the new birth, single or double predestination, etc. A book that reveals the solidity of the salvation that God confers by his grace alone. "
- Florent Varak, pastor, author, international director of the development of the Charis churches within the Encompass mission, professor at the Biblical Institute of Geneva
“All Christians believe in predestination! The question is not so much to believe it or not, but rather to have a fair and consistent understanding of what the Bible teaches on the subject. Having debated for a long time myself the various questions related to predestination, it is with gratitude that I welcome the translation of this classic by R. C. Sproul. It provides an excellent biblical, logical and practical exposition of the Reformed doctrine of predestination. "
- Gaétan Brassard, Senior Pastor of Le Portail Church
"This book demonstrates why R. C. Sproul is considered one of the most prestigious Christian teachers. The relationship between God's sovereignty and human responsibility, especially in redemption, is a topic that challenges us all and disturbs most of us. Sproul doesn't avoid difficult questions and objections. He approaches the subject with honesty, clarity and humor, drawing on numerous passages from the Bible. He thus presents the Reformed position of predestination as being as rationally and biblically inevitable as it is heartwarming and joyful. "
- David Pelosi, pastor of the Bonne Nouvelle Church in Paris
"This book addresses one of the most important doctrines for our confidence. The pedagogy of R. C. Sproul convinced me. More so, I was amazed and humbled at the extent of God's mysterious grace. I sincerely pray that reading it will comfort and edify as many people as possible! "
- Raphaël Charrier, pastor of the Evangelical Christian Church of Grenoble; blogger on toutpoursagloire.com; co-host of the podcast Memento Mori
"This is the book to give to those for whom the doctrine of Calvinism in general, and the subject of the election in particular, gives rise to questions or bewilderment. Every Christian should have this easy-to-read, beautifully illustrated book in their library. I highly recommend it. »
- Jay E. Adams, Editor-in-Chief of The Journal of Modern Ministry
“ Chosen by God , by R. C. Sproul, is a classic of 20th century Reformed literature. Nothing surpasses him in clarity and passion. Reading this book has transformed the lives of countless readers. I am delighted to see that a new generation now has the opportunity to find out.
- Derek W. H. Thomas, Senior Minister of Worship at First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, South Carolina; professor of systematic and pastoral theology at Reformed Theological Seminary; member of the Ligonier College of Teachers
"R. C. Sproul has long been recognized as one of the most effective communicators of the great truths of Reformed theology. Chosen by God deals with the doctrine of predestination extraordinarily well. The author is typically clear in thought and expression and consistently respects Bible teachings, but it is nonetheless a very dynamic read. "
- Eric J. Alexander, retired senior pastor of St. George’s Tron Church in Glasgow, Scotland
"We Christians belong to God because he has chosen us. However, those who have been led to imagine that it was they who chose God and not the other way around misunderstand this simple truth. R. C. Sproul shows us in his own light what this truth means to us and why it is so important.
- Gerald Bray, professor-researcher of divinity at the Beeson Divinity School, Samford University; author of Holiness and the Will of God
“Each generation has a biblical mandate to leave the next generation with a legacy that honors the Lord and propels them into the future through highlights and encouragement rooted in the glorious gospel of our Savior, Jesus- Christ. However, in The Holiness of God and Chosen by God , R. C. Sproul transmits such a heritage to the next generation. One generation piles up stones in praise of God to teach the next. Here are two of these stones which serve as praise to God! Open these books and there you will find the Bible truths judiciously illustrated and ambitiously communicated. May the Lord accomplish great things through you as you learn from these works until he comes in his glory. »
- Harry Reeder III, Senior Pastor of Briarwood Presbyterian Church in Birmingham, Alabama
Table of contents
1 The Inner Struggle
2 Predestination and God's Sovereignty
3 Predestination and Free Will
4 Adam's Fall and Mine
5 Spiritual Death and Spiritual Life: Rebirth and Faith
6 Foreknowledge and Predestination
7 Double Twins, Double Problems: Is Predestination Double?
8 Can We Know We Are Saved?
9 Questions and objections relating to predestination
About the author
Original title : Chosen by God
Author : RC Sproul
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-448-5
Publication : April 2021
Pages : 211