angry children (L'enfant colérique)
If you have an angry child, you are probably exhausted, distraught and looking for answers to these questions:
• How to restore balance in such chaos?
• How to prevent these outbursts of anger in my child?
• Why do these outbursts of rage seem to come out of nowhere?
Dr. Michael R. Emlet offers much-needed help in deepening our understanding of issues with the heart and possible physical factors that can fuel your child's outbursts of anger. With his background as a physician, counselor, and parent, he uses Bible truths to examine your child's anger and offers you practical strategies to help them learn self-control.
MICHAEL R. EMLET (M.Div., M.D.) practiced family medicine for twelve years before becoming an advisor and faculty member of the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF). He is the author of several books and booklets dealing with the helping relationship, including Contact: between the Bible and my story .
Original title : Angry Children: Understanding and Helping Your Child Regain
Author : Michael R. Emlet
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-302-0
Pages : 32
Publication : June 2017 < br> Format : stapled binding
Dimensions : 4.25 "x 7.5"
Weight : 32 g