<tc>The Heart of a Servant-Leader(eBook) (Le coeur d'un leader-serviteur (eBook))</tc>
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This collection of pastoral letters presents a model of compassionate leadership. Pastor C. John (Jack) Miller teaches that a Christian leader must first and foremost be a servant whose attitudes reflect a heart transformed by a relationship with God. Through his correspondence, he leads his readers to develop a deeper understanding of the gospel as well as a life of humility, faith and prayer. He also challenges those called to serve as leaders by asking them to find their primary motivation in the glory of God alone.
These letters provide advice on:
- questions relating to pastoral ministry;
- how to achieve victory on sin;
- spiritual warfare;
- physical suffering;
- forgiveness.
C. JOHN MILLER (1928-1996) taught practical theology at Westminster Theological Seminary. He was director of World Harvest Mission and organized mission trips to several countries. He was the founding pastor of New Life Presbyterian Church, a church near Philadelphia from which several other congregations grew.
Table of contents
Preface: The Most Unforgettable Christian I Have Ever Known
Motivation to Serve: The Glory of God
The Glory of Christ Moves to Make the Gospel Clear
The Power Received When the Glory of God is Our goal
Discovering our true motivation: the glory of God or our selfish interest?
Submission of our will reveals the glory of God
Clear the field of vision
Basics of Service: Faith, Humility and Prayer
Questions of the Heart
Signs of a True Spiritual Awakening
Your One True Leader, it is Jesus Christ
Christ founds churches through prayer
Most problems are related to faith
Perseverance is related to a life of repentance and praise
An emphasis on grace leads to repentance
Those who believe receive more grace
Repentance is simply humility < br data-mce-fragment = "1"> Personal humility and the obligations of grace
What grace obliges us to do: to spread the Gospel and to love others
The mature leader is a gentle and lovable apprentice
The work of the Holy Spirit and why hearts resist
Practical applications
Preach with power
Animate u n small group
Prerequisites for missionary work
The authority of the elders
Dealing with culture shock
A leader values others
Learning to be a person of positive faith
Delegate leader
Planning for the future
The basics of church planting
Learn to listen
Trust the work of others
Learn to esteem your leader
Love makes others effective
Persevering in service
Persevering through spiritual warfare
Self-sufficiency expresses demonic faith
Satan does not equal Jesus
Weapons of spiritual warfare: humility and prayer
Persevere through conflict
The Gospel centers on reconciliation
Examining Others' Sins Begins With Our Repentance
Dealing With Unfair Criticism
The Big Question: How We Approach Problems
Begin by exposing an example of faith
The methods of Jesus: kindness and humility
Learn to pick up gently
Comply with Matthew 18
Christ breaks us together
Self-dependence e is our main blind spot
We all have blind spots
Learning to discern what causes conflict.
Knowing the love of Christ produces perseverance
Jesus is more concerned with our discipleship than with
our leadership
We will all meet the Lord soon
Avoid those with a long history of conflict
Persevere through the changes
Hold on until you have been humiliated
So that the life ends up somewhere, it must include death
How can a knowledge of God's love communicate direction?
How to achieve our goals is as important as the goals
The criteria for deciding whether to stay in a Church or leave it
Encouragement for sinners
Do not seek repentance or faith as such, but seek Christ
People who have been forgiven by Jesus forgive others
We are not lemons, we are sinners
Loving the unlovable
The central conflict: faith or disbelief
Fear and self-centeredness go hand in hand
To know the gospel is to be able to face our sins
Encouragement for those who suffer
Where do we seek consolation?
Detaching from earthly things
God's purposes sometimes disappoint us
The love of Jesus is unalterable
Place your name trust in God rather than yourself
Always trust him
Do not base your identity on your suffering
This world is not our home
God is my home
Living for others stems from of our killing
Relying on Jesus is the essence of maturity
Appendix: Recovering the Great Cause
The “Me First” in the Church
The disappearance of the biblical teaching that man is “lost”
The blunt effect of “me first” and the disappearance of the concept of “being lost”
It is therefore time to declare war… ..
Rediscovering the Great Cause: bringing the Gospel to
dark places on earth
Finding key concepts in the Great Cause
Chronology of the Life and Ministry of Jack Miller
Original title : The Heart of a Servant Leader
Publisher: Impact
Author : C. John Miller
Publication : March 2021
ISBN : 978-2-89082-456-0
Format : eBook
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