<tc>Ten Indictments against the Modern Church(eBook) (10 accusations contre l'Église d'aujourd'hui (eBook))</tc>
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The Church today needs a revival. However, as author Paul Washer says, “We cannot just do what seems right in our eyes and then expect the Holy Spirit to come and bless our efforts. Truth be told, the devil hardly needs to oppose the Church's prayers for revival unless the people of God are truly seeking to live and lead their assemblies according to the Word of God. This book examines ten areas where the Church today has neglected to follow Biblical guidelines. He reminds us of the importance of praying for reform in each of these areas.
Paul Washer served as a missionary in Peru for ten years. During this time, he founded the HeartCry Missionary Society ministry to support church planters in this country. Today Paul works full time in this ministry. He and his wife, Charo, have four children: Ian, Evan, Rowan and Bronwyn.
As the old saying goes, "A good diagnosis is half the cure." This book by Paul Washer is an indispensable examination of the spiritual health of the body of Christ today. The truth may be shocking, but the truth that hurts the most is the one that can lead to healing the most. It is therefore with these ten chapters that we put our finger on the sensitive points and the broken bones of the contemporary Church. Here is an accurate assessment of what needs to be healed and straightened in the bride of Christ if she is to be restored to her former beauty.
- Steven J. Lawson, president, OnePAssion Ministries, Dallas, Texas
From Josiah to John the Baptist, from Martin Luther to Jonathan Edwards, revivals are always preceded by a call to repentance and reform. Paul Washer’s commitment to world evangelism and his ministry as an itinerant preacher have enabled him to offer us here an accurate diagnosis of the state of the modern Church. His vast biblical knowledge and his manifest fear of the Lord give these prescriptions all their legitimacy. Her loving zeal for the bride of Christ brings the spirit of the prophets to this explosive message. Let us seize on this exhortation so that our Churches do not only subsist, but that they live again!
- David Pelosi, pastor of the Good News Church, Paris
No matter where we are in our understanding of the local church, sometimes we need to be "shaken up." This is what Paul Washer does in this little book, in a tone that may sound harsh, but that is motivated by a desire to glorify God and take his Word seriously. While some aspects relate more to the American context, the main appeal he makes is one that the French-speaking Church, in large part, needs to hear today.
- Benjamin Eggen, former coordinator the blog La Rébellution; author of Thirst for more? ; co-author of the book A life of challenges
Table of contents
The author's prayer
1 A denial of the sufficiency of the Scriptures
2 An ignorance about God
3 A silence about the evil we suffer from
4 An ignorance about the gospel of Jesus Christ
5 An unbiblical invitation
6 An ignorance about the nature of the Church
7 A non-existent Church discipline
8 A silence about separation
9 An unbiblical teaching about the subject of the family
10 Biblical malnutrition of pastors
Original title : Ten Indictments against the Modern Church
Author : Paul Washer
Publisher : Impact < br> ISBN : 978-2-89082-428-7
Pages : 104
Publication : February 2021
Format : eBook