<transcy>7 Myths about Singleness (7 mensonges sur le célibat) </transcy>
Celibacy is a real mine of prejudice: it deprives intimate relationships or family life. It would prevent the exercise of a pastoral ministry, etc. The Bible paints a very different and much more positive picture of celibacy! This book will help you, married or not, appreciate celibacy for what it is: a blessing. The author encourages singles to take advantage of opportunities specific to their status to assume their role in the Church.
The Church far too often views celibates as people to be pitied and cared for. Sam Allberry offers a pastoral guide to correct this vision and help the local church live as a family of God.
-Rosaria Butterfield, former professor of English at Syracuse University, author of Secret Thoughts of an Unusual Convert
Sam Allberry uncovers several assumptions about celibacy and abstinence from sex. Hidden ideas of which we are little aware but which determine our attitude towards singles. After bringing them to light, he relies on the Bible to denounce them and show us a better way to approach these themes. However, it would be a serious mistake to think that this book is only for singles. If Sam is right - and he is - the entire Church needs to make the Bible teaching on the subject its own. The local Church should not be a simple network of families. It should be a united family, made up of both married and single couples who all live together as brothers and sisters. This book shows us the way.
- Timothy Keller, Pastor Emeritus of Redeemer Presbyterian Church, New-York City
Seven Lies About Celibacy offers a refreshing Biblical perspective on an often overlooked topic. Allberry writes to remove the stigma of celibacy and to help Christians consider the calling of celibates within the body of Christ by following scripture. This study comes at the right time to bless the Church.
- Russell D. Moore, Chairman of the Ethics and Religious Freedom Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention
This work is written to undoubtedly praise Jesus (a celibate). Everyone will benefit. Sam Allberry opens our eyes so that we understand ourselves better as well as in our mutual relations, to better manage our life as a couple or single, and especially so that we abandon certain heartbreaking received ideas. He does this by revealing more of Jesus to us where it may be difficult to find him: in real life, the one we are now leading. A married man went through this book and thought, "I need it. It will be useful to me! ". I think it will be for you too.
- Ray Ortlund, pastor of Emmanuel Church in Nashville
Sam Allberry, authentically, doesn't say any unnecessary words in 7 Lies About Celibacy . The tone, layout, humor and biblical foundation makes this book one of the best recent works on the subject. Not only did Allberry give much thought to the issue of celibacy, but he lived it again, and continues to do so, glorifying Christ. Books on celibacy too often focus on marriage or its prospect. This is not the case. Instead, he dismantles the lies that can trap unmarried people, showing the abundant life that Christ offers them. People often ask me what is the best book on celibacy. I'm glad I finally found one.
- Lore Ferguson Wilbert, author of Handle with care
Original title : 7 Myths about Singleness
Publisher : BLF Editions
Author : Sam Allberry
Publication : February 2021
ISBN : 978-2-36249-559-5
Pages : 217
Dimensions : 13 x 21 cm
Format : paperback
Weight : 280 g