<transcy>sing! (eBook) (Chantons!(eBook))</transcy>
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There are many books to help us with Bible study, prayer, service, or evangelism, but few to help us sing. Yet this area deserves to receive so much attention; it is even linked to the development of these other spheres of our spiritual life.
In this book, Keith and Kristyn Getty present song as a vital aspect of our fellowship with God. They give us biblical, practical, and gospel-centered counsel to promote song and worship in the Church, as well as in our personal and family lives.
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KEITH and KRISTYN GETTY are known for their work as composers of modern hymns. By renewing the style of traditional hymns, creating new theologically rich songs, and integrating different musical genres into their compositions, they have rekindled the interest of a whole new generation in hymns. Their hymns, such as “In Jesus Alone,” are sung by millions of Christians every year. Through their tours and lectures, Keith and Kristyn encourage the Assemblies in their worship ministry.
“The importance of collective spiritual singing has never been demonstrated with such accuracy and simplicity as by the Getty. Let's sing! is an accessible and relevant book that will help pastors and worship teams lead their congregation in worship. By its practical approach and firmly anchored in the Word of God, this work leads us to better understand the mechanics of collective singing and pushes us to develop the art of singing together for the glory of God. "
- Sebastian Demrey, producer, arranger, composer and member of the group Héritage
“The Getty's are a precious blessing sent from heaven to enrich our praise. They have been used by the Lord to provide the Church in this generation with songs that are both theologically rich and easy to sing. More than anyone else, they paved the way for the long-awaited renewal of the hymns that have always been the true music of the Church. "
- John MacArthur, pastor-teacher of Grace Community Church
“Two of the contemporary songs that never cease to move our French-speaking Churches“ In Jesus Alone ”and“ The Power of the Cross ”come from the pen of Keith and Kristyn Getty. Theological content, poetry and melody converge to uplift our soul in wonder and worship. However, Keith and Kristyn don't just compose and perform their songs! They want to revalue assembly song by reminding pastors, musicians and all Christians that song is an integral part of dynamic Church life. This book is unique, because it obliges everyone to put the quality of the performance into perspective and to direct their eyes to the One who created the music and the song to fill us with joy! "
- Mike Evans, Gospel 21 president
“Keith and Kristyn Getty's spiritual contribution to our generation is immeasurable. Their songwriting ministry and their zeal to offer God quality praise has contributed to a true revival of the English-speaking Church to put back at the center of praise songs rich in doctrine and musicality that instruct, nourish and edify. the Church. The Francophonie also needs such an awakening. Let's sing! highlights biblical and practical principles that will enable churches and families to rediscover true intention and depth in their common praise. I highly recommend this book to all Christians because it is rooted in the Gospel and rich in applications. "
- Philippe Viguier, pastor, author and coordinator of Hymns 21
“As a Christian who practices song in assembly (like you), I am convinced of the accuracy of the purpose of this book, in all its nuances. As a lyricist, co-editor of a songbook and worship leader, Chantons! touches me, calls out to me and questions me. The truths he exposes motivate me to get even more involved in the development of singing in assembly. No matter how involved you are in worshiping your church, you will find plenty of reasons to share the rich content of this totally relevant little book with others. Martin Luther was right: the song should not be confiscated from the community. Thanks to Keith and Kristyn for reminding you of this with this book, which seems rather simple, but how risky! "
- Marc Varidel, translator, lyricist, co-manager of the collection “Reflets” and co-founder of the choir Psalmodie
“This book is in perfect harmony with who the Getty have been and what they have represented to the Church for a decade, and that is what makes it so beautiful. Their contribution is decisive, not because of the extraordinary, but because it is marked by the ordinary: they are ordinary Christians who have an extraordinary impact, not thanks to their musical or theological qualifications, but thanks to their desire and willingness to devote themselves to the mundane things in life. Let's sing! reveals those ordinary things which made it possible for the Getty to be used by the Lord to bless, encourage and inspire many of us not only to “[sing] to the Lord a new song,” but also to love and appreciate the old hymns. I hope this practical, pastoral, theological, accessible and wonderful book will help and bless many of you. May he encourage us all to sing! "
- Voddie Baucham Jr., Dean of Theological Education, African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia
“Let's sing! is wonderful! It is a treasure trove of forgotten and rediscovered principles for a new generation of worshipers. Let's sing! reminds me and my family that God uses music and the Word to transform the world, and that our role in his process of renewing all things is to open our mouths. "
- Kirk Cameron, actor and producer
“Here is a book worth buying. It is filled with biblical and practical reflections that, if we understand and take them to heart, will revolutionize singing in our congregations. "
- Alistair Begg, Pastor, Truth for Life Radio and Editor-in-Chief of the Spurgeon Study Bible
“It is rare to succeed in bringing together in a single book a theological reflection, lessons learned from several years of experience in the field, and remarkable readability. This book is at the same time evocative, informative, and accessible. "
- DA Carson, author, president and founder of The Gospel Coalition
“The Getty's have been helping us praise God for years now through the songs they have composed. Here they help us in a different way. This book encourages us to understand the importance of the place that song occupies in our spiritual life. Each chapter is short and easy to read, and concludes with good questions. Use it individually, in Bible studies or in Sunday school classes - read, savor, discuss -
and sing! "
- Mark Dever, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington DC
“If there is one area of worship in the evangelical churches that needs reform, it is that of congregation singing. I am truly grateful that the Getty's take this vital aspect of our fellowship with God to heart. To experience this renewal, we must understand why singing together is so important. This book will be of great help to us on the subject. Everyone, pastors or not, should read it. "
- Ligon Duncan, President, Reformed Theological Seminary
“Keith and Kristyn's music has always been an inspiration to my worship life and has also helped deepen my faith. In an age when many contemporary Christian songs are bland, shallow, and theologically fragile, the songs of this team of reformers will stand the test of time. "
- Os Guinness, author of Beyond Doubt
“This practical book has four remarkable features: it is written by seasoned musicians and composers; he calls out to the whole body of Christ - including pastoral leaders, worship leaders, and professional Christian musicians - calling him to meaningful worship; it deals with personal, family and congregational worship; and it provides useful discussion questions that provide a framework for group study and reflection. This book will be widely used to promote song and worship in the Church. "
- Matthew Ebenezer, elder and teacher, Reformed Presbyterian Church of India and author of What the Apostles Believed: A Devotional Commentary
“It seems that at some point the Western Church began to believe that singing was reserved for singers. In this book, the Getty's take us back to an essential truth, which is that song is for all believers. Once we understand this, the question is no longer whether we have a good voice, but whether we have a good song. Let's sing! allows us to discover all the reasons why God put a new song in our hearts the moment we met him. Keith and Kristyn, thank you for this essential message. "
- Mike Harland, Director, LifeWay Worship Resource
“This book is full of ideas. In this tormented world we find our greatest joy in the deep truths of Jesus' love - truths communicated through excellent texts and melodies, and carried from Sunday into eternal life. That's what the Getty's do. This book explains why and how. "
- Matthew Harrison, President, LCMS
“Keith and Kristyn have served the Church with their songs for years. They decided to go even further and bless us today with their book Sing!, A veritable treasure trove of biblical, practical and gospel-centered advice for those who love to sing, who want to sing or who don't think they can. to sing. "
- Bob Kauflin, Director, Sovereign Grace Music
“This book reminds us that the most effective way to teach our children in the Christian faith is often to teach them the great truths contained in the lyrics of songs, hymns, and spiritual songs that we sing as families. I hope this book will motivate more mothers and fathers to make sure their children memorize the songs of Watts, Wesley, Toplady and so many others. "
- Bob Lepine, Vice President, FamilyLife Today, Radio Host
“Jonathan Edwards declared 'that no light in understanding is good unless it produces holy affection in the heart'. Keith and Kristyn Getty demonstrate, in their music and in this book, how singing God-centered songs creates “holy affection” in the hearts of God's people. So I urge all those who care to give God the worship he deserves to read this book along with Edwards', Treatise on Religious Affections. "
- Samuel Logan, President Emeritus, Westminster Theological Seminary (Penns.) And Deputy International Director, The World Reformed Fellowship
“I have a long history of observing trends in contemporary Church music, and had a strong desire that someone with the requisite knowledge and courage write such a book. I cannot recommend it enough to you. I also recommend that you share it with your church, small group, choir, and even the friends who are on your Christmas list. We must talk about what has become of worship today. We need to make sure that we sing to the Lord with his truth flowing in our hearts, filling our lungs, and pleasing our Lord. This is what we were created to do, but we are missing out on that end. Let Keith and Kristyn give you singing lessons for the soul with this book steeped in their beliefs and experiences. Read it and sing! "
- Robert Morgan, author of Then Sings My Soul
“I really like Keith and Kristyn Getty! I love them as friends, songwriters and worship leaders. They always manage to encourage my heart and make it sing! I pray not only that their music, but also this book, will have the same effect on others. "
- Anne Graham Lotz, author, speaker and daughter of Billy Graham
“I have read a lot about worship and music in worship - but I had never read anything about singing before! What a wonderful subject, and what a wonderful book! I didn't think I needed another reason to be grateful to Keith and Kristyn Getty. But now I have one! "
—Richard Mouw, President Emeritus, Fuller Theological Seminary
“One of Martin Luther's earliest works emphasizes the two essential elements of Church worship: preaching and song in congregation. This Getty's book makes an urgent appeal to Christians today not to give up our immense privilege of singing the praises that are rightfully theirs to our Creator and Redeemer. Read it, then sing. "
- Stephen J. Nichols, President, Reformation Bible College and Director of Studies, Ligonier Ministries
“Keith and Kristyn Getty are good friends of mine, and gifts from God to his Church. They teach us, help us, and lead us to sing in a way that reveres the holiness of God, reflects the Word of God, builds up the Church of God, and inspires us to serve in the mission for God in a world that desperately has need to know his glory. "
- David Platt, author of Follow me
“Keith and Kristyn are an inspiration to me and to many others. This excellent book is a stimulating treatise on Christian song that any pastor and worship leader, regardless of culture, should practice along with the Bible, so that Church song becomes a central part of the work. transformative experience of worship. "
- Yusin Pons, worship leader and composer, Baptist Convention of Western Cuba
“Many sing“ for the love of art ”, as artistic as it may sound. When it comes to singing to God, however, doing it “for the love of art” is not enough. Keith and Kristyn combine biblical precision with a dynamic writing style to show us the privilege and beauty of worshiping our Lord through song. This very easy to read book has already become a reference that will certainly help me train the next generation of worshipers in the personal, family and congregational context. "
- Otto Sanchez, author and pastor, Ozama Baptist Church in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
“Let's sing! is not just a book, it's a revolution. The music of Keith and Kristyn Getty has turned into a real movement in our churches. This book will take that movement from the platform to the congregation. What a wonderful gift for the Church that the Getty! What a wonderful gift for the future of our Churches is this book. "
- Thom S. Rainer, author of I Am a Church Member and President, LifeWay Christian Resources
“It is one thing to sing a song of praise to God when we are alone, and quite another when Christian friends join us with their harmonies. God designed and created us to sing together! Keith and Kristyn have a passion for making the Church sing in fellowship, with voices marrying in unison. Singing!, Their excellent new book, is a practical guide to reintroducing classical and contemporary hymns of the Church into the Church.
faith. You can help bring a refreshing, Spirit-blessed ministry of praise to your small group or congregation just by practicing the book you are holding ... So, turn the page and start singing! "
- Joni Eareckson Tada, Joni and Friends International Disability Center
“No other book, to my knowledge, has done what the Getty's on congregational singing does. It is informative, convincing and motivating; all serious pastors and Christians should read it. "
- Paul Tripp, author and president, Paul Tripp Ministries
How to use this book
Prelude: Let's sing!
Chapter 1. Created to… sing!
Chapter 2. God commands us to… sing!
Chapter 3. Urged to… sing!
Chapter 4. Let's Sing… with Heart and Spirit!
Chapter 5. Singing… with our family!
Chapter 6. Let's sing… with our local Church!
Chapter 7. The radical testimony of an assembly that… sings!
Postlude: Are you ready to sing?
Complementary tracks
• Track 1: For pastors and elders
• Track 2: For worship leaders and song leaders
• Track 3: For musicians, choirs and the technical team
• Track 4: For composers and creatives
Original title : Sing!
Authors : Keith & Kristyn Getty
Editing : Cruciform
Release : September 10, 2018
ISBN : 978-2-924595-79-4
Pages : 170
Format : ebook
- Let's sing! - Kevin Stauffer
- The radical testimony of an assembly that sings! - Keith Getty
- Why Singing Together Matters Today More Than Ever - Keith Getty
- 5 Ways to Improve Common Praise - Keith Getty