<transcy>Commentary on Isaiah - volume 3 - Chapters 44 to 66 (Commentaire d'Ésaïe - volume 3 - Chapitres 44 à 66) </transcy>
Isaiah's prophecy is as much about personal life as it is about the Church. His oracles are rich in teachings of all kinds. The pastor finds there an abundant harvest of instruction to help suffering believers. Christians can find there the cause of many of their spiritual difficulties and know the origin of the misfortunes which sometimes befall God's people.
If Isaiah reveals to us the sources and consequences of all kinds of misfortune, he also brings a luminous vision of salvation. A veritable mine of treasures, he shows us how to set foot on the rock of truth by delivering a number of divine promises which announce certain deliverance to our faith.
This book is approached from a pastoral and spiritual edification perspective. Isaiah's prophecies contain a message for us throughout our lives, so the meditation in this book contains spiritual applications suited to our personal, family, and socio-cultural context (Excerpts from the "Preface").
For nearly forty years, the book of the prophet Isaiah has been meditated on by Daniel Issarte and taught during training courses at the Mission Timothy. If this book saw the light of day, it was thanks to invaluable teamwork. The notes taken during the lessons were collected and completed by Luc Warnon , with the collaboration of Joël Chiron
Table of contents
First section (Chap. 40 to 48): The glory of the Redeemer
Satire against idolatry (Chapter 44: 6 to 23)
Presentation of the servant Cyrus (Chapter 44:24 to 45:25)
Impotence of the false gods of Babylon (Chapter 46)
Lamentations over Babylon (Chapter 47)
The announcement of new things (Chapter 48)
Second section (Chap. 49 to 55) The glory of the suffering Servant
Second song of the Servant (Chapter 49: 1 to 13
Zion's return to grace (Chapter 49:14 to 50 : 3)
The third song of the Servant (Chapter 50: 4 to 11)
The awakening of the new creation (Chapter 51: 1 to 52:12)
Fourth song of the Servant: The atoning passion of the suffering but victorious Servant (Chapter 52:13 to 53:12)
Good News proclaimed to the whole world (Chapters 54 and 55)
Section Three (Chapter 56 to 66) The Book of the Conquering Messiah
The Needs and Sins of God's People (Chapter 56: 1 to 59: 15a)
The Coming of the Conquering Messiah ( Chapter 59: 15b to 63: 6)
Prayer of remembrance and repentance (Chapter 63: 7 to 64:12)
Certain promises: final assessment and the New Jerusalem (Chapter 65: 1 to 66:24)
Publisher : Mission Timothée
Authors : Rose-Marie Morlet, Joël Chiron, Luc Warnon, Daniel Issarte
Publication : November 2020
Pages : 480
ISBN : 9791090740174
Dimensions : 6 "x9"
Weight : 648 g