<transcy>Where is God in a coronavirus world? (coronavirus : où est Dieu ?) </transcy>
John Lennox is Professor Emeritus of Mathematics at Oxford University and Green Templeton College Emeritus Fellow in Mathematics and Philosophy of Science. He has participated in numerous public debates to defend the Christian faith against renowned atheists such as Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Peter Singer.
Professor Lennox has brought together his scientific expertise and the zeal of his Christian faith to reflect on our frightening situation. This book does not claim to give all the answers, but it examines the major questions raised by the crisis.
- Dr Peter Saunders, President of the International Christian Medical and Dental Association (ICMDA)
In an accessible style and with the precision of the mathematician he is, John Lennox offers useful benchmarks to reconcile faith in Christ and the tragic wave of the coronavirus sweeping our planet. It thus responds to the frequent objection to the existence of God in the presence of evil that is observed in the world. A timely and necessary book!
- Florent Varak, pastor and blogger on ToutPourSaGloire.com
John Lennox, lover of science and God, gives us the words to understand the evils that befall our world. A timely word, out of time, a word for our time.
- Raphaël Anzenberger, director of RZIM France, Méditerranée et francophonie - RZIM.fr
Professor J. C. Lennox brilliantly accompanies the reflection generated by the pandemic due to the coronavirus. By means of historical facts that he relates and quotes from a few philosophers and theologians, the author provides excellent points of reference which allow us to enrich our research. Happy reading!
- Jeffrey Laurin, pastor, President of the Faculty of Evangelical Theology of Montreal (Acadia)
No Westerner has spoken more clearly and wisely than John Lennox. This book is the go-to for anyone who wants to take a step back.
- Os Guinness, author of Unspeakable and Fool's Talk < / p>
This book by John Lennox invites reflection and offers deeply stimulating answers.
- Guillaume Bourin, pastor in Montreal, founder of the blog LeBonCombat.fr
With simplicity and clarity, Lennox gives honest answers to deep questions. After demonstrating the dead end of atheism, he shows how only the gospel can answer these questions and fulfill our aspirations. This book will enlighten skeptics and encourage Christians!
- Matthieu Giralt, pastor at Étupes and blogger on ToutPourSaGloire.com
John Lennox is a timely reminder of eternal truths. He is a committed author who writes, and his passionate pen has a lot of good things to tell us. It tackles head-on questions and fears that plague many of us right now.
- Michael Ramsden, President of Ravi Zacharias International Ministries (RZIM)
A clear, compassionate and critical analysis of our time. A believer will renew his assurance in the reasons which lead him to believe. A non-believer will find strong answers to fundamental questions there.
- Keith and Kristyn Getty, songwriters, composers and performers
Table of contents
1. Feeling vulnerable
2. Cathedrals and Worldviews
3. Can Atheism Help You?
4. If God is love, why does the coronavirus exist?
5. Proof of Love
6. The one who makes all the difference: God
Original title : Where is God in a coronavirus world?
Author : John Lennox
Publisher : BLF Éditions
Publication : May 2020
ISBN : 978-2-36249-547-2
Pages : 92
Dimensions : 12.5 x 18 cm
Format : paperback
Weight : 90 g