<transcy>God is the Gospel (Study Guide) (Dieu est l'Évangile (Guide d'étude) ) </transcy>
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This book is a plea for God himself to be considered the supreme gift of the gospel, as he clearly and fully revealed it in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. p >
The precious blessings of the gospel are not, in the end, what makes the Good News good. Rather, their role is to lead us to see and fully appreciate our Savior himself. Forgiveness is good because it opens the way to joy in God. Justification is good because it allows us to access and revel in the presence of God. Eternal life is good because it promises an infinite source of enjoyment with our Savior.
All of God’s gifts are good and loving, for they lead us to God himself. God demonstrated his love by doing all that was necessary, even sacrificing his only begotten Son, to turn our hearts towards what is most deeply and most lastingly satisfactory for our souls, that is to say him- same.
* This free study guide in PDF format will help you delve deeper into the subject in groups or on your own. Easy to print, use it to liven up your discussions.