<transcy> Does God Desire All to Be Saved? (Dieu veut-il que tout les hommes soient sauvés) </transcy>
Divine election and God's desire that all be saved
The Bible continually presents the fact that God elected a definite people for eternal salvation. She calls these men "the elect of God," "the sheep of Christ," "the people of Christ," "a faithful remnant," and so on. On the other hand, many texts seem to indicate that God wants everyone to achieve salvation; he doesn't want the bad guy to die.
Does the Bible contradict itself? How to understand these texts? Can we reconcile them? How to resolve such an enigmatic paradox? What is the impact on my conception of salvation, on my proclamation of the Gospel, on my evangelization?
In a short but comprehensive book, the author tackles these questions head-on. He goes to the Word of God and compares text with text in a desire to understand the mind of God. Then he shows how the theological answers given are not always as correct as they may seem. His answers are in keeping with the views of theologians of the past and are in tune with the divine message.
John Piper is of tremendous help, both to the believer and to the church leader in dealing with a subject that is confusing to many. While refusing to compromise his deep conviction in an unconditional election to salvation in Christ, he highlights the fact that God is true and sincere when he calls all men to turn to Christ for life and salvation.
The believer needs such a book today to deepen his confidence in this God who does not lie but who accomplishes without fault all that he has decreed without transforming his creature into a machine.
“A work for the careful reader that only truth can satisfy -“ all the counsel of God ”and nothing less! The believer comes out with deeper roots and a renewed, refined vision of the great God of grace so fundamentally different (Isaiah 55.8,9): what gratitude for the ministry of his faithful servants, like John Piper! "(M. Planche)
Table of contents
2. Illustrations of a Double Will in God
3. How far does the sovereignty of God extend?
4. Does all this make sense?
Original title : Does God Desire All to Be Saved?
Author : John Piper
Publisher : Europresse
Pages : 88
Weight : 116 g
Release : March 2016
Dimensions : 13.8 x 21.6 cm
ISBN : 9782914562799
Format : paperback