<transcy>Speaking the Truth with Love (eBook) (Dire la vérité avec amour) </transcy>
** eBook in ePub and Kindle (.mobi) format **
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You say probably 20,000 words a day, more or less, and each one affects, in some way, the people who listen to you. It's no surprise then that God has so much to say about the power of words. We are all advisors whether we realize it or not!
Speaking the Truth with Love offers a detailed plan for better communicating with others in order to build community in Christ. The principles that are outlined in this book apply not only in the context of counseling ministry, but also in areas such as marriage, family, friendship, work, and the church.
- Have you ever wondered how you could be a better advisor?
- Have you ever tried to communicate better with people who are difficult to approach?
- Have you ever wondered how to clearly express your faith and love to those around you?
With its practical approach, this book will become an essential tool for all those who wish to work as counselors and for all those who want to apply the wisdom of God in their relationships.
DAVID POWLISON (M.Div., Ph.D.) holds an MA in Divinity from Westminster Theological Seminary as well as an MA and PhD from the University of Pennsylvania. He has been a Bible counselor for over 30 years and has written several books on the relationship between faith and psychology.
Table of contents
Foreword - Good intentions
1- Suffering and Psalm 119
2- The realities of life
3- Hearing the Music of the Gospel
4- Is Your Preparation Healthy?
5- What Questions Do You Ask?
6- Think Globally, Act Locally
7- Illustrative Counseling
8- Incessant monologue? Listen carefully!
9- How to help a “psychologized” patient
10- What is the “ministry of the Word”?
11 - Counseling is the Church
12- What are you going to ask for?
13- Pastoral counseling
14- Counseling under the influence of the X chromosome
15- Do you happen to it to direct people to other people?
16- Why choose the theological faculty or the Bible institute to be trained in counseling?
17- Affirmations and denials
Conclusion - Companions in the long march
Original title : Speaking Truth in Love: Counsel in Community
Author : David Powlison
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-384-6
Publication : September 2017
Pages : 257
Format : eBook
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