<tc>In Spirit and in Truth - 30 meditations to approach God through Christ (En esprit et en vérité - 30 méditations pour s’approcher de Dieu à travers Christ)</tc>
Éric Kayayan
by La Rochelle
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But the hour is coming, and has already come, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for these are the worshippers whom the Father requires.
- John 4:23
What can the expression "in spirit and in truth" mean in an age where materialism and lies reign on so many levels (cultural, political, religious)? Spoken 2,000 years ago by Jesus of Nazareth during an encounter at a well with a woman from whom everything seemed to separate him, this expression calls us to our unquenched inner thirst, leading us to a water that is not adulterated and that can give a satisfying meaning to our existence, parched or drowned in daily worries.
Through a series of 30 meditations, the author of this book encourages us to approach God by drinking from the source of living water "in spirit and in truth. He proposes a spiritual journey that will lead us on the path of prayer taught by Jesus to his disciples.
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Eric Kayayan is the pastor in charge of the Reformed Faith and Life radio ministry. His evangelism, teaching and training programs are broadcast in French in Africa, Europe and Quebec. He has worked in this ministry for about 15 years from South Africa. He currently lives in Fontevraud-l'Abbaye, near Nantes, France, where he continues to develop new broadcasting tools for his ministry in the French-speaking world.
Table of Contents
1. In Spirit and in Truth
2. Of bread only
3. Of every word that proceeds from the mouth of God
4. What is man?
5. Fall, alienation and restoration
6. Recovering one's lost identity
7. Who to trust?
8. Changing our image of God?
9. He neither sleeps nor slumbers
10. The weakness of human nature
11. God's love for his people
12. The wedding of the Bridegroom and the Bride
13. The folly of the cross
14. One God in three persons
15. The incarnation
16. Our true strength
17. Dangerous crossings
18. Who are the saints?
19. Having a vocation
20. To bring every thought captive
21. The race to eternity
22. The way, the truth, and the life
23. Our heavenly Father
24. Sanctify the name of God
25. An imminent reign
26. The fulfillment of the divine will
27. Our daily bread
28. The forgiveness of offenses
29. Resisting the devil
30. Everything belongs to God
Author: Éric Kayayan
Publisher: La Rochelle
Publication date: September 2022
ISBN : 978-2-924895-59-7
Dimensions : 5" x 7"
Pages : 125