<transcy>In His Presence - Spending Time With God (En sa présence - Passer du temps avec Dieu) </transcy>
Spending time in the presence of God
We must avoid making a subtle mistake: that of thinking that our daily lives prevent us from spending precious time with God, ”writes Dennis Fisher. Personal worship should be more than an activity to check off our list; it must represent a moment devoted to the maintenance of a relationship with the God who wants to accompany us every day.
This five-lesson study shows us how Jesus, by maintaining an intimate relationship with God, serves as a role model for us. It also offers us practical clues, which will help us enjoy the company of the Lord, by covering the following topics: nurturing realistic expectations of personal worship, finding a good place and the best time to practice it, and listening to God on us. speak by his Word in order to commune with him. In his presence teaches us to be diligent, disciplined and patient in our walk and our conversations with God.
Author : Dennis Fisher
Publisher : NPQ Publications
Series : EBSD
ISBN : 978-1-928129-99-8
Pages : 48
Format : stapled binding
Dimensions : 14.5 x 21 cm
Weight : 68 g