<transcy>How can I be sure? (Êtes-vous sûr d'être sauvé ?) </transcy>
Assurance of salvation is a very elusive matter. It is not easy to determine the difference between a legitimate sense of security and a presumption of evil. While offering his reader a welcome challenge as to his status, the author establishes what the real proofs of salvation are and how they relate concretely to the living of the Christian. He does not hesitate to bring to light false bases in order to protect his reader. A very affordable tool for blessed insurance.
Table of contents
1 The problem of insecurity
2 Symptoms of insecurity
3 Causes of insecurity
4 The false Insurance
5 The Insurance Experience
6 The Foundation of Insurance
7 The Means of Insurance
8 The Benefits of Insurance
Epilogue (1 Corinthians 11 : 27)
Original title : How can I be sure?
Author : Frank Allred
Publisher : Europresse
Pages : 158
Weight : 210 g
Publication : 2001
Dimensions : 13.5 x 21.5 cm
ISBN : 9782906287976
Format : paperback