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<transcy>Gospel (Évangile) </transcy>

Redécouvrir la puissance révolutionnaire du christianisme

J.D. Greear
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Rediscovering the revolutionary power of Christianity

Have evangelical Christians lost sight of the gospel? In his book, J. D. Greear reveals how the gospel has been overshadowed by moralism and legalism, even in the most conservative churches. Gospel cuts short superficial religiosity and reconnects the reader to this revolutionary message: God, in his grace, accepts us in Jesus Christ. The gospel is the power of God and the only true source of joy, freedom, radical generosity, and daring faith. The Gospel brings to life in the believer what religion has never been able to create: a heart that longs for God.

At the heart of the book is "gospel-centered prayer," which is a powerful tool for being saturated with the gospel on a daily basis. Abiding in the gospel will deepen your passion for God and take you to new heights of obedience. Gospel offers you a gripping and practical view of the redemptive work of God.

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J. D. GREEAR is Senior Pastor at The Summit Church in Raleigh-Durham, North Carolina, one of the fastest growing churches in North America. He holds a doctorate in systematic theology from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Additionally, he lived and worked among Muslims in Southeast Asia for two years. J. D. and his wife have four children.


"J. D. presents the gospel in a clear, humble, and humorous way. Here is a useful book for the selfish, insecure, legalistic, guilty Christian. If you aspire to invest yourself faithfully in the mission, to open your arms while standing firm, this book will encourage you. "
- MARK DEVER, Senior Pastor, Capitol Hill Baptist Church and author of The Church: A Health Check and The Intentional Church

"My soul continues to be encouraged by such strong voices rising up to lead the world to the gospel and what appears to be a genuine movement back to what Paul considers to be 'of prime importance'. J. D. remarkably clarified and explained the implications of the gospel for the life of the believer. Whether you are a pastor, have been to church your entire life, or are a new Christian, you will find this book particularly useful. »
- MATT CHANDLER, Senior Pastor, The Village Church

"With this book, my brother Pastor J. D. Greear helps us pursue this goal of living a gospel-centered existence. It establishes the centrality of the gospel and shows us how to build our lives around its principles. I appreciate the authentic and refreshing way he makes the gospel available to others so that they can experience his transformative power. I especially like the practical section on Gospel-Centered Prayer, which helps us engrave these truths in our hearts and minds. Whether you are exploring Christianity for the first time or want to “gaze” at it again and again, I invite you to take the time to read this book. »
- TIMOTHY KELLER, Senior Pastor, Redeemer Presbyterian Church and author of Reason is for God

"What is left if you lose the gospel? This question should dominate evangelical thought as we are surrounded by many false gospels, incomplete gospels, confused gospels. In responding to this crisis, J. D. Greear offers sound counsel, clear Bible thinking, and full conviction to help Christians and churches rediscover the authentic gospel of Jesus Christ. »
- R. ALBERT MOHLER JR., President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary and author of The conviction to lead

"I love the gospel and the way it nurtures zeal ... and I love the way J. D. writes about it. Here is a book steeped in the Gospel that will guide you in your desire to love the Lord and your neighbor. I highly recommend it. »
- ELYSE FITZPATRICK, author of Give Them Grace: Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus

Table of contents


<< PART ONE >>

Chapter 1 The Lost Gospel
Chapter 2 Why Religious Change Doesn't Work

<< PART TWO >>

Chapter 3 The Gospel as a Gift of Righteousness
Chapter 4 Transformed Without Commandment
Chapter 5 God is Better
Chapter 6 Transformed by Sight
Chapter 7 Gospel-Centered Relationships

br> Chapter 8 Extravagant Generosity
Chapter 9 Urgent Mission
Chapter 10 Expect Big Things
Chapter 11 "But if not ..."


Chapter 12 Why Do Scriptures Contain “Commandments”?
Chapter 13 What Is the Right Way to Work for God?
Chapter 14 What Does a Gospel-Centered Church Look Like?

CONCLUSION You Will Never Get To The End
APPENDIX 1 The Gospel Project
APPENDIX 2 A Gospel-Based Warning to Zealous Young Theologians


Original title : Gospel
Publisher: Cruciforme
Author : JD Greear
: May 2018
Pages : 273
Weight : 328 g
Dimensions : 5.5 '' X 8 , 5 ''
ISBN : 978-2-924595-39-8
Format : paperback

Blog articles

Gospel. Rediscovering the revolutionary power of Christianity - Gospel21

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Très bon livre, à sa lecture vous découvrirez l'évangile, la puissance de Dieu et la seule vraie source de joie qui nous transforme ! Ce ne sont pas nos efforts ! ni le moralisme ou le légalisme. Demeurez en LUI et c'est LUI qui le fera. "En Christ, il n'y a rien que je puisse faire pour que tu m'aimes davantage, et rien que j'aie fait qui t'incite à m'aimer moins." p 70 les "idoles" nous laissent vides, seul l'amour de Dieu peux nous combler car nos coeurs sont créés pour Dieu !