<tc>Intimate with God (Intime avec Dieu)</tc>
Jean-Sébastien Morin
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The Lord Jesus makes the promise of eternal life to all those who put their faith in Him for the forgiveness of their sins. Eternal life does not begin only at the moment of our death. Eternal life begins already here on earth through the knowledge of the God revealed by Jesus Christ.
This is where the Christian message stands out: knowledge is not limited to facts. Knowing who the Prime Minister is is not the same as knowing the Prime Minister. The Christian life is not just the accumulation of more knowledge about God and Jesus. The Christian life is the encounter with the risen God through the means He has given us to know Him: prayer, reading the Bible, worship, the exercise of spiritual gifts, our brothers and sisters in faith and His Holy Spirit who dwells in our hearts and transforms us.
Whether you are a new Christian or a long-time Christian, Intimate with God is a book that brings us back to the basics of knowing God so that we can say with the apostle Paul, "I know in whom I have believed."
Jean-Sébastien Morin is the winner of the 2016 Word Prize for his book "Married and Happy?" He has worked with teens and young adults for over 15 years as a youth pastor, camp director and speaker. He is currently the Quebec Director for One Hope Canada, a mission that has a burden for the discipleship of French speaking youth. Jean-Sébastien teaches in several Quebec evangelical seminaries. He has been married to Katie for over fifteen years and is the father of four young children.
Table of Contents
Dedication / Acknowledgements
Chapter 1 You are not born a Christian, you become one
Chapter 2 What is spiritual intimacy?
Chapter 3 Obstacles to spiritual intimacy
Chapter 4 The Secret of Intimacy with God: The Holy Spirit
Chapter 5 I Desire to Hear Your Voice
Chapter 7 Knowing God Through Worship
Chapter 8 Knowing God through the Bible
Chapter 9 Knowing God through the Church
Chapter 10 Knowing God Through Prayer
Chapter 10 Knowing God by Sharing His Faith
Chapter 11 Does God still speak today?
Chapter 12 Knowing God through obedience?
Author: Jean-Sébastien Morin
Edition : Écrivains Chrétiens du Québec
Publication date: 2017
ISBN : 978-2-9817271-0-7
Pages : 144
Dimensions : 5,5" x 8,25"
Format : Paperback
Weight : 178 g