<transcy>Introduction to Biblical Hermeneutics (Introduction à l'herméneutique biblique) </transcy>
To provide the essential tools for a healthy approach to the interpretation of the Bible, that is the aim of this introduction to biblical hermeneutics. Useful for oneself, it also makes it possible to better explain and transmit to others the process of interpretation. Organized in a pedagogical way, according to a logical progression, this manual will lead the reader to study fundamental questions as well as more precise questions. The canon of the Bible, the transmission of the biblical text or the inspiration of the Scriptures, as well as the methods of interpretation of the various biblical corpuses are thus approached: the texts of law, the accounts, the prophetic texts, and even certain biblical books like the Acts of the Apostles or the Apocalypse. As you read and study, it is a hermeneutical method that is passed on; embellished with examples, it introduces us to the great debates of yesterday and today.
About the author
Matthieu Sanders is pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Paris-Center (AEEBLF) and lecturer at the Free Faculty of Evangelical Theology (Vaux-sur-Seine).
Publisher : Édifac
Publication : April 2015
Pages : 256 p
Weight : 430 g
Dimensions : 17 x 23.5 x 1.3 centimeters
ISBN : 9782904407697