<transcy>The conviction to lead (eBook) (La conviction de diriger (eBook)) </transcy>
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How will you transform your leadership?
Administrative skills and vision are not enough. Good leaders must be able to change the hearts and minds of those they lead. This type of leadership is based on passionate and powerful beliefs to resist internal and external pressures.
For the first time, Dr. Mohler reveals 25 principles that will strengthen your beliefs so you can revolutionize the way you think, your decision-making process, your communications, and ultimately the lives of those you love. lead.
Dr Al Mohler has written a thought-provoking book that challenges our way of thinking. The conviction of leading is set to become a classic in Christian leadership literature.
- Jim Daly, president of Focus on the Family
I have rarely thought about leadership, but I was captivated from the first chapter, much to my surprise. It's an uplifting book written with great style.
- Fred Barnes, editor of The Weekly Standard
“Your personality makes a difference every day. It determines your work and inspires confidence in the hearts of those who rely on your leadership. Moreover, true leadership, worthy of our heroic tradition, must bear the fruits of the leader's labor. When it is our turn to do the same, we must make sure that we are doing good, believing in the truth, and creating wonders. Albert Mohler's book provides an excellent resource for preparing your heart and mind to lead with conviction.
- Mike Huckabee, Former Governor of Arkansas, Host of Fox News' Huckabee Show and Affiliate Radio Show National The Mike Huckabee Show and bestselling author
“Dr. Mohler is a rare example of this generation. He is an excellent leader who speaks with a clear voice. His sense of leadership is rooted in deep, combat-proven beliefs as well as put into practice with incredible wisdom. We were eager to become his students on this particular topic. With the arrival of this book, we can begin our lessons!
- John MacArthur, pastor of Grace Community Church, Sun Valley, Calif., And author of MacArthurStudy Bible
"I like the way Al Mohler begins his leadership book. “Convictions are not just simple beliefs that we have; these are the certainties that have a hold on us ”. Christians are called to lead in proclaiming the gospel message which not only condemns the sinner, but also makes us responsible to our Lord Jesus Christ. We must stand firm in the convictions which strengthen our faith and guide us in the spiritual warfare whose victory is in sight. Stay steadfast, strong, and faithful in the Word of God. »
- Franklin Graham, President and CEO of La Bourse du Samaritain and the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association
“Albert Mohler par excellence! I am pleased to recommend The Conviction to Lead, which represents the thoughtful and purposeful journey taken by Dr. Mohler during his 20 years of significant leadership influence at one of the nation’s outstanding institutions. This leading, conviction-based book challenges us, inspires us to reflect and convinces us. For years to come, it will undoubtedly become a recommended book for leaders, administrators and board members, regardless of their spheres of activity. »
- David S. Dockery, Dean of Union University and Editor-in-Chief of the book Christian Leadership Essential
Table of contents
1. The Conviction to Lead: True leadership begins with a goal, not a plan.
2. Leading is Believing: A leader is motivated by beliefs that prompt him to act.
3. An intelligence of conviction: The leader develops the capacity to think according to his convictions and encourages those who follow him to do the same.
4. Leadership is Storytelling: The leader draws his followers into a story that touches all aspects of life.
5. Leaders and Worldviews: The leader transforms the worldview of those who follow him.
6. Passion to Lead: Passionate leaders with passionate beliefs attract passionate supporters.
7. Leaders Are Thinkers: Leadership begins when you learn to think like a leader and ends when followers too learn to think.
8. Leaders are teachers: An effective leader is the primary teacher of an organization in training.
9. Leadership is about character: Leaders are considered trustworthy when their lifestyle is consistent with their beliefs.
10. Leadership and Credibility: Leadership takes shape when character and skills are combined.
11. Leaders are communicators: The primary skill of a leader is their ability to communicate ... rain or shine.
12. Leaders are readers: When you look for a leader, you find a reader; and for good reasons.
13. The Leader and Power: A loyal leader knows that power is never an end in itself.
14. Leaders are managers: Not all managers are leaders, but all leaders are managers.
15. Leaders Are Speakers: Leaders give voice to convictions and mobilize hearts and minds through their message.
16. Leaders are stewards: Leaders never lead for themselves; they are stewards of one another.
17. The Leader Makes the Decisions: Organizations expect a lot from leaders, but more than anything, reliable decision-making.
18. The Moral Virtues of Leadership: Leadership and Morality Are Inseparable.
19. Leader and Media: The medium is not the message ... you are the one. The leader must convey this message.
20. The Leader is a Writer: Writing remains one of the most powerful ways to lead; that's why leaders write.
21. The Leader of the Digital Age: Leaders see the digital world and they know they are called to lead in this new world.
22. The Leader and Time: Leaders know that time is the great common denominator of mankind.
23. Sustainable Leadership: The leader's goal is not only to last, but above all to endure.
24. The Leader and Death: Mortality Bounds the Horizon of Leadership.
25. The Legacy of the Leader: Ultimately, the leader's goal is to leave a lasting mark.
Original title : The Conviction to Lead
Author : Albert Mohler
Publisher : Cruciforme
ISBN : 978-2-925131-12-0
Publication : 2013
Pages : 241