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<transcy>Psychology and Christianity</transcy>

Eric L. Johnson
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Throughout history, Christian thinkers have thought deeply about psychological issues long before the birth of modern psychology. However, Christian interest in psychology has literally exploded over the past fifty years. Christians have published countless books that describe our personality, our limitations, our dysfunctional development, our relationships and their problems, and so on. They have taken different positions regarding their attitude towards modern psychology: some accepting it wholeheartedly, others rejecting it with such emphatic vehemence, and many choosing an intermediate position.

However, Christians have had little opportunity to engage in public dialogue regarding these different positions. This present book provides an opportunity to understand the intellectual crisis that is shaking the Church in the field of psychology and the helping relationship, and it does so by presenting five major evangelical perspectives on the connection between psychology and Christian faith. It specifically addresses the value of psychology in general to Christians as well as issues related to psychological study and the practice of the helping relationship for believers.

Each of the contributors responds to the other essayists, noting where they agree and what problems they observe. Here are the five points of view that are defended:

• Transformational Psychology Perspective (John Coe & Todd Hall);
• Biblical Counseling Perspective (David Powlison);
• Explanation Levels Perspective ( David G. Myers);
• the point of view of integration (Stanton L. Jones);
• the point of view of Christian psychology (Robert C. Roberts and Paul J. Watson). / p>

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ERIC L. JOHNSON (Ph.D., Michigan State University) is Professor of Pastoral Care at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary in Louisville, USA. Prior to joining SBTS, Dr. Johnson taught psychology, theology, and Christian worldview for nine years at Northwestern College, Minnesota. He has contributed to numerous articles in the field of Christian psychology, arguing for the need for theology in the helping relationship and in psychological research.

Table of contents

Foreword to the second edition

1. A Brief History of Christians in Psychology - Eric L. Johnson

2. The Explanation Levels Perspective - David G. Myers
An Integrationist Response to the Explanation Levels Perspective
A Christian Psychology Response to the Explanation Levels Perspective
A Transformational Psychology Response to Explanation Levels Perspective
A Biblical Counseling Response to Explanation Levels Perspective

3. The Integration Point of View - Stanton L. Jones
An Answer from the Point of View of Explanation Levels to Integration
A Christian Psychology Response to Integration
A Transformational Psychology Response to Integration
A Biblical Counseling Response to Integration

4. The Perspective of Christian Psychology - Robert C. Roberts and PJ Watson
An Answer from the Point of View of Explanation Levels in Christian Psychology
An Answer from the Point View of Integration into Christian Psychology
A Transformational Psychology Response to Christian Psychology
A Biblical Counseling Response to Christian Psychology

5. The Perspective of Transformational Psychology - John H. Coe and Todd W. Hall
An Answer from the Point of View of Explanation Levels to Transformational Psychology
An Answer From an Integrationist Perspective to Transformational Psychology
A Christian Psychology Response to Transformational Psychology
A Biblical Counseling Response to Transformational Psychology

6. The Perspective of Biblical Counseling - David Powlison
An Explanation-Level Response to Biblical Counseling
An Integrationist Response to Biblical Counseling < br> A Christian Psychology's Response to Biblical Counseling
A Transformational Psychology Response to Biblical Counseling

7. Better understand thanks to the five points of view - Eric L. Johnson


Original title: Psychology & Christianity 5 views
Author : Eric L. Johnson
Edition : Impact Académia
Publication : February 2021
ISBN : 9782924743157
Pages : 380
Dimensions : 6 "x 9"
Format : paperback
Weight : 518 g

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Martin L'Hébreux
L'Écriture seule est suffisante pour répondre aux difficultés humaines.

Ce livre, bien qu'exigeant et parfois complexe en raison de son niveau académique, offre une perspective riche pour ceux qui souhaitent explorer sérieusement l’interaction entre la psychologie et le christianisme. Les cinq points de vue présentés, ainsi que les réponses de chaque contributeur, permettent de mieux cerner les forces et les faiblesses de chacune des approches. Personnellement, je privilégie l’approche du counseling biblique, car elle place la Parole de Dieu au centre de toute pratique. Powlison souligne avec conviction que l’Écriture seule est suffisante pour répondre aux difficultés humaines. Cette perspective insiste sur le fait que la relation d’aide doit être solidement ancrée dans les principes bibliques, considérant que les solutions aux problèmes se trouvent dans la Parole de Dieu. Bien que les théories psychologiques modernes puissent offrir des outils utiles dans certains contextes, elles ne doivent pas influencer un soutien spirituel qui doit rester entièrement scripturaire. Je recommande ce livre puisqu’il constitue une ressource précieuse, clarifiant les différentes approches pour accompagner ceux qui souhaitent aider les autres à relever des défis de toutes sortes en les accompagnant dans un cheminement spirituel fondé sur la Parole de Dieu.

Psychologie et christianisme, c'est possible?

Lecture très complète faisant la promotion de diverses écoles de pensée reliant le christianisme et la science de la psychologie.
Après, il demeure le rôle du lecteur de saisir à quelle école il s'associe et souhaite continuer d'approfondir.
C'est une introduction somme toute bien réalisé, suffisamment instructive pour équiper les intéresser.