<transcy>Biblical Theology (9Marks) eBook (La théologie biblique (9Marks) eBook)</transcy>
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Each week, churches from all over the world come together to read the Bible. Unfortunately, many of them miss the point and end up teaching false gospels. One of the most effective protections against this danger is to fully understand what biblical theology is: to read the Bible in the light of Jesus Christ.
This book provides us with a framework that allows us to understand the great history of the Bible. He then explains to us the basic principles that will lead us to prioritize this message in our teaching in order to protect the truth of the gospel.
Nick Roark (M. Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary) is pastor of Franconia Baptist Church in Alexandria, Virginia. Previously, Nick served on the pastoral team at Capitol Hill Baptist Church in Washington, D.C.
Robert Cline is the Executive Director of Training Content and Curriculum for the International Mission Board, a division of the Southern Baptist Convention.
“An engaging overview, full of precious nuggets to better understand the common threads of Scripture, the unique connections between books and their particularities. An excellent tool for preachers as well as any student of the scriptures that enlightens, warns, inspires, and puts Christ at the center. Written for our generation, this book reminds us that the scriptures hold treasures that cannot be appreciated without the weight and depth of biblical theology. "
- PHILIPPE VIGUIER, pastor of the Evangelical Protestant Church of Villeurbanne-Cusset; coordinator of Hymnes21, author of the book Resolute
"If we are to benefit from each individual section of the Bible, we must constantly keep in mind the 'Great History', the meta-narrative that frames all of its sixty-six books. The various tools presented by Nick Roark and Robert Cline in this concise and precise book will be particularly useful to you in this task. "
- GUILLAUME BOURIN, pastor of the Reformed Baptist Church of the Trinity; author of the book I will pour pure water on you ; founder of the blog Le Bon Combat ; director of the Biblical Institute #Transmit
“As a pastor and leader who believed in the importance of biblical theology, I wished I could put a book like this into the hands of all members of my Church, as well as make it a topic of study. study for our alumni council. I am delighted that this tool is now available to French-speaking churches. Reading it further convinced me of the relevance of the subject. »
- FRANÇOIS TURCOTTE, Director General, Séminaire Baptiste Évangélique du Québec (SEMBEQ), Montreal
“The authors of this book remind us in a simple, biblical way how all of the scriptures point us to a person much greater than the biblical characters or ourselves. Giving several examples from the Scriptures, Nick Roark and Robert Cline offer an exceptional tool to help preachers and believers understand the great story of the Bible in light of the central purpose of each text, namely - say Jesus Christ! »
- MICHAËL CARON, pastor of vision, Evangelical Baptist Church of Shawinigan-Sud; partner of the 9Marks ministry for the Francophonie
“I was just looking for a book on biblical theology that I could give without hesitation to anyone in my church. I finally found it. This book is an answer to prayer. »
- JASON MEYER, Preaching and Visioning Pastor at Bethlehem Baptist Church in Minneapolis
“This little book has teeth. Understand its contents and you will see the effects in the years to come. »
- CONSTANTINE R. CAMPBELL, Assistant Professor of the New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School
“True scripture preaching and teaching highlights a particular passage, but it also allows you to step back and capture the full storyline of the Bible. Nick Roark and Robert Cline show us that biblical theology is essential for the Church, for preaching, and for life in general. They examine all of the scriptures and show us some common mistakes. This book is a very useful resource for pastors, teachers, and Christians in general. "
- THOMAS R. SCHREINER, Professor of New Testament Interpretation and Biblical Theology, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
“Every exhibition preacher these days uses biblical theology to explain the chosen text and to deliver a Christ-centered message. It is in a very clear and straightforward manner that Roark and Cline explain how biblical theology helps the Church and pastors understand and proclaim the great history of the scriptures. »
- AUGUSTUS LOPES, pastor at First Presbyterian Church, Goiânia, Brazil
“Incredible! This concise book is a veritable compendium of words of wisdom that help grasp God's biblical scenario and faithfully teach the Word! Its authors have done us a great service by distilling deep biblical concepts and making them simple, user-friendly and communicable. This is the kind of book you'll want to give to a Sunday school teacher, someone aspiring to ministry, or a candidate for the mission field. In a desire to do well, some teachers of the Word take the easy way of hastily using a passage to give a "practical lesson." But they miss the bigger picture, the glorious centerpiece therein. This wonderful tool that keeps me on track as a missionary and helps me teach new believers how to study and share the Word, should be translated into many languages! »
- DAVID L. FRAZIER, Managing Director at Equipping Servants International; author of Mission Smart
“This brief book explains important theological concepts in a clear, faithful, and straightforward manner. It is perfect for people in the Church who, although they want to adopt a sound theology and understand the biblical concepts necessary to teach the gospel well, find that deep brain work is too much of a challenge. This is a great resource and I look forward to recommending it to our Women's Ministry team. »
- ABI BYRD, former missionary in the Balkans; Bible teacher at The Simeon Trust; deaconess in women's ministry, Loudoun Valley Baptist Church in Purcellville, Virginia
"A believer is measured by his fidelity and it is essential that he knows how to have it vis-à-vis the Word of God, the eternal authority. This book by Nick and Robert, with explanations and examples, is teaching Christians in a simple and constructive way. He shows them how to understand a particular Bible passage, while always keeping in mind the big picture that Christ is the ultimate goal of all scripture. I highly recommend this book, because it is an invaluable companion for any believer who desires to one day hear the words: "It is well, good and faithful servant." "
- NDAGI JOB GOSHI, part-time, international church planter
"Biblical theology is a subject that is frequently overlooked, although it is essential for understanding the Bible in its entirety. The authors of this excellent book are well aware of the importance of this discipline in order to grasp the storyline of the story of redemption. If you are looking for a tool that explains and applies biblical theology well, this book is for you. It is scriptural, well-written, easy to understand, practical, concise without being superficial, informative, and extremely useful for preaching and pastoral ministry. I am amazed at how much solid lesson can be found in such a small book. "
- MIGUEL NÚÑEZ, Senior Pastor at the International Baptist Church in Santo Domingo; founding director of Wisdom and Integrity Ministries
“As an elder in a Church located at one of the world's major crossroads, I aspire to provide tools for Christians who will soon return to places where they will face persecution and falsehood. teachings. Biblical theology is a primary tool that helps Christians protect and share the gospel. I am extremely grateful for this book and rejoice to see that it is being used to strengthen the Church on a worldwide scale. It is perfectly balanced in terms of breadth and depth, and it easily adapts to other cultures or languages. In addition, it will help all Christians to see, celebrate and communicate the gospel better. »
- ANDREW GIZINSKI, alumnus at RAK Evangelical Church, Ras Al Khaimah, United Arab Emirates
“Nick and Robert have achieved something that is rarely seen in such a large field. They succinctly articulated the core of biblical theology without oversimplifying the process. Every Christian will benefit from the many examples that show that enlightened biblical theology will transform the way we read, apply, and teach the Bible. It is a reliable journey on the road to Emmaus, during which the discovery of the presence of Christ throughout the Bible rejoices the heart. »
- CHIP BUGNAR, author of Grace Beyond the Veil
“In this book, filled with powerful and enlightening illustrations, Roark and Cline firmly assert that when a believer discovers that Jesus Christ is central to the story of the Bible, he becomes equipped for it. serve according to God's plan. You will understand why by reading their book! Perhaps the phrase biblical theology gives you the impression that this is a manual intended for Bible schools or pastoral training, but it is rather a must-have for every Christian, since we are all intended to be stewards of the Church of Christ. »
- CONRAD MBEWE, pastor at Kabwata Baptist Church; Chancellor of The African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia
Table of contents
Preface to the
Preface to the French edition
Recommended books
Original title : Biblical Theology
Publisher : Cruciform
Authors : Nick Roark & Robert Cline
Publication : May 2020
ISBN : 978-2-924595-82-4
Pages : 206
Format : eBook