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<transcy>Expository Exultation (L'adoration et la prédication) </transcy>

John Piper
by Impact
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Worship by preaching is one of the great means planned by God to accomplish His ultimate goal in the world. The main purpose of preaching is to bring God's people into a fervent worship that would be as personal as the deepest desire of the heart, as expansive as the universe, as infinite as eternity, and as visible as the radiance of love or creation.

In this book, John Piper explains to preachers why preaching should be an act of worship and a way to awaken worship in others. He reminds them that the Bible exists for the glory of God and that it should therefore be read supernaturally by preaching its reality by the Spirit.


JOHN PIPER is the founder of the Desiring God ministry. For over 30 years, he was the pastor of a Baptist Church in Minneapolis, United States. He has now retired and is devoting himself to a larger ministry. He is the author of numerous works, many of which have been translated into French.
“John Piper is one of the most influential preachers of our generation. While the majority of modern preaching works focus on methodology, Piper demonstrates that there is nothing more practical than good theology. This book is a vibrant plea for a return to preaching glorifying God, centered on Jesus and animated by the Holy Spirit. I highly recommend it. "
–Gaétan Brassard, Senior Pastor, Le Portail Church, Quebec

“Here is a masterful book enriched by many years of pastoral ministry spent in complete submission to the authority of the Word of God. Readers will feast on its depth and the passion that emanates from it. All preachers should read this book and let the vision developed by John Piper shape their way of preaching, for the glory of God, the joy of his people, and the salvation of the nations. "
–Nathan Lambert, co-founder and pastor of the Church Fireplace, Paris

“Piper is giving us a great gift. He wants to help us preach in such a way that our preaching serves the same purpose as Scripture itself, which is to exalt God by leading His people in worship. One of the modern fathers of textual preaching, Charles Simeon (1759-1836), urged preachers to aim for three main purposes in their preaching: to exalt Christ, to humble the sinner, and to promote the walk in holiness. In this book, Piper helps us achieve this goal by encouraging us to become workers who depend on God and who rigorously expose the Bible text. Any preacher who desires to be a humble servant of the Word for the glory of God and the good of his people will benefit greatly from this book. "
–Trevor Harris, pastor of the Evangelical Church International (IBC) of Jurbise, Belgium; co-responsible for the association Prêche la Parole; professor at the Biblical Institute of Geneva

“An urgent need is felt in the Francophonie: passionate preachers who ardently desire to savor and adore God through a serious and attentive exhibition of the biblical text. This is why I am so grateful to God that this book was so quickly translated into French. In my opinion, John Piper has just written one of the most important books on preaching, and if you can only get one book on this subject, choose this one without any hesitation. Prepare to be deeply educated, broken, and encouraged in your ministry of the Word. Regardless of your gifts and your experience, I am convinced that a careful reading of Worship and preaching will make you a more effective tool for the glory of God and the joy of his people. "
–Vincent Lemieux, pastor, Christian Assembly of Rouyn-Noranda, Quebec

“This book uplifts and exhorts us by reminding us that the responsibility of the preacher is not only to offer captivating teachings. Indeed, he must also ensure that worship is always at the heart of his preaching in order to lead people to worship in their turn. This book is a call to preach the scriptures with zeal and integrity. "
–Michaël Caron, pastor, Evangelical Baptist Church of Shawinigan-Sud; partner of the 9Marks ministry for the Francophonie

“John Piper is one of those men who profoundly influences us because his life reflects the profound truths of the gospel. My pastoral ministry has been marked by the discoveries I made while reading his writings. Each of them inspired me to worship God and develop a deeper understanding of his grace. "
–Michel Vincent, associate pastor, Church of Hope, Longueuil, Quebec

“John Piper is an obviously prudent interpreter and passionate preacher of the Word of God. He wrote a book which I hope will become a reference for all preachers. If there is a sure guide to the subject of proclaiming the unsearchable riches of Christ today, it is Piper. His teachings have stood the test of time. This book is extremely exegetically insightful, theologically correct, penetrating in its applications, and carefully practical. In my opinion, it is in the continuity of the book Readings to My Students by Charles Spurgeon. I have referred to it several times already and have recommended it to my students. As you read this book, you will learn to read and proclaim the book of books, the Holy Bible. "
–Dieudonné Tamfu, Ph. D., pastor, Baptist Bethlehem Church, Yaoundé, Cameroon; Assistant Professor of Bible and Theology, Director of the Cameroon Extension Site, Bethlehem College & Seminary

“Mr. Piper demonstrates that true preaching and authentic worship naturally go hand in hand. This occurs when the preacher strives to do a work of careful exegesis under the anointing of the Spirit and comes to the pulpit under that same influence. The aim is to highlight the spiritual reality that permeates each passage of Scripture in order to honor the intention of the human author, but above all to show the glory of the divine author who inspired the text. This is what this book is about. Read it slowly, digest its contents fully, then devoutly put its principles into practice. "
–Miguel Núñez, senior pastor, International Baptist Church, Santo Domingo; CEO and Founder, Wisdom and Integrity Ministries

As you would expect, John Piper writes preaching his conviction. He not only encourages preachers to speak the truth, but also to explain how the Bible establishes this truth. However, what he writes exceeds our expectations when he denounces the main errors of preaching by exhibition in our ranks: that of moralism (“Do it, period!”) And that of replacement (“Since you cannot do it, just enjoy imputed righteousness ”). Finally, he advocates the preaching that we need, urging us to go “straight from the cross to the resurrection, to the outpouring of the Holy Spirit, to the gift of the Scriptures, to the miracle of the new birth through the blood of Jesus, to the mystery of Christ in us, the hope of glory, and the beauties of self-control, wisdom and love that flow from and exalt Jesus. ” This is an excellent work that exults the glorious power of the gospel that permeates all of the Word. "
–Bryan Chapell, pastor, Grace Presbyterian Church, Peoria, Illinois

“This new book by John Piper on preaching is a dream come true. Personally, I have been waiting for this book for almost twenty years. His first book on the subject was monumental. This one is even better. The wait was worth it. "
–Jason C. Meyer, pastor of preaching and vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church, Minneapolis

“Mr. Piper has written over fifty books. It would therefore be somewhat unreasonable to suggest that Worship and preaching is the best of them, but that would be defensible. Perhaps this is because, like John, I am a preacher and have been deeply educated, challenged, encouraged, and enriched with increased hope for my ministry through his insight into this ministry. delivered. I trust that John will write several more books, but for my part this is the culmination of his contribution to the pastoral ministry. If you are not a pastor or a preacher, read it anyway. If you are in a full-time ministry, dig deep into this immense treasure of homiletic insight. I am confident that in doing so, he will radically transform the way you approach the Word of God and the passion you will show in preaching it. "
–Sam Storms, Senior Preaching and Visioning Pastor, Bridgeway Church, Oklahoma City

"It is quite right that Worship and preaching , by John Piper, is dedicated to Martyn Lloyd-Jones, since he will undoubtedly do, in the current generation, what Preaching and Preachers (Preaching and preaching) has accomplished in ways unique to previous generations: to teach, to teach, to teach, to challenge, and to inspire. In this book, heat and light are combined; this is what Lloyd-Jones called “burning logic”. It contains all of the accents we are accustomed to seeing in Piper's writings: God at the center, a focus on Christ, the imprint of the Spirit, a rigorous attention to the scriptures, and a passionate theological conviction. Mr. Piper displays an honesty that grabs us by the throat and expresses the feeling of the weight of glory that characterizes true worship. Here is a book on the subject of preaching in which God takes the lead. Worship and preaching is a stunning work that stimulates our desire to know more. He throws us into the dust, then puts us back on our feet, motivating us to be better and to do better for God. This book is simply a must have for any preacher of the gospel. "
–Sinclair B. Ferguson, Emeritus Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary

“I was in my twenties when I first heard John Piper preach the Bible. I had never experienced such passion and power that came from a zeal rooted and anchored in the text. This event has become a model for me to emulate. I am grateful that he wrote the great lessons of over thirty years of “preaching worship” for generations to come. There is gold in these pages, and I look forward to it shaping the next generation to share the good news of the gospel. We are in great need of conscientious preaching in these troubling days. "
–Matt Chandler, senior pastor, The Village Church, Dallas, Texas; CEO, Acts 29 Church Planting Network; author of The explicit gospel

"It is very refreshing to read a preaching-themed book that talks very little about technique and instead focuses on teaching the Bible about the nature and immense privilege of this task," and which exposes above all the majesty of the God of whom we are the servants, called to proclaim his glory. Through these pages many preachers will be inspired, as I myself have been, to continue to devote themselves to the joyful task of explaining the scriptures and exulting in God. "
–Vaughan Roberts, pastor, St Ebbe's, Oxford, England; Director, The Proclamation Trust; author of Panorama of the Bible


Preface to the French edition
Introduction: The Roots and Scope of Worship and preaching

A framework for preaching
God's people come together to worship
1. The essence of collective worship
2. Worship in Assemblies: A Biblical and Wonderfully Appropriate Practice

Why is worship by preaching an integral part of corporate worship?
Proclamation, History and the Trinity
3. How Paul brought the proclamation into the house of God
4. Four Roots of the Wonderful Continuity between Preaching Worship and Worship
5. The roots of worship through preaching go back to the bosom of the Trinity.

How does preaching supernaturally contribute to the miracle of worship?
Worship by preaching through the power of the Holy Spirit
6. Worship and preaching: an act and effects
impossible to reach by man
7. Worship and Preaching by Faith: How I Searched for the Miracle of Preaching

How does preaching naturally contribute to the miracle
Worship through preaching and the full use of our natural powers
8. Worship through preaching: loving people through
clear thinking and relevant logic
9. "So that the cross of Christ may not be made in vain": the
dangers of Christian eloquence

Focus on the text to grasp its deep reality
Highlight the link between text and reality
10. The common point between text, reality and preaching:
clarify the links
11. The shine of reality in the words of the Bible:
three illustrations

What reality will we preach?
Three general priorities of exhibition preaching
12. Preach in the light of an author's global vision of
13. Worship by preaching and the glory of God (part one): the glory of God, the supreme goal of all things
14. Worship by Preaching and the Glory of God (Part 2): How the Glory of God Shapes
every sermon
15. Worship by preaching and Christ crucified (first part): boasting only of the cross in every sermon
16. Worship by preaching and Christ crucified (second part): "That we may live for righteousness"
17. Worship through preaching and obedience to faith (part one): the path of love that leads to life
18. Worship through preaching and obedience to faith (part two): the quest for joy, love and eternal life

Worship through preaching and the Old Testament
The Glory of God, the Cross of Christ, and the Obedience of Faith
19. Worship by preaching and the Old Testament (part one): preaching the glory of God
20. Worship by preaching and the Old Testament (part two): preaching Christ crucified
21. Worship by preaching and the Old Testament (part three): preaching the obedience of faith

Conclusion: A Dangerous and Glorious Call


Original title : Expository Exultation
Author : John Piper
Publisher : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-348-8
Release : October 2019
Pages : 351
Format : paperback
Dimensions : 6 "x9"
Weight : 493 g

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