<transcy>The Children's Gospel Project (lifetime license) (Le Projet Évangile pour enfants (licence à vie)</transcy>
The Children's Gospel Project
A Christ-centered children's education program that offers a chronological overview of Bible stories
The Gospel Project will help you teach children to:
- See the great story of the Bible: children will understand that the Bible is not a collection of stories, but one great story about God and his project to save us.
- Reading the Scriptures with a Christ-Centered Life: The facilitator's guide and activities provide a deep, Christ-centered Bible study experience for all ages.
- Capturing Essential Christian Doctrines: The summary questions and their answers are designed to help children understand essential theological doctrines of the Christian faith.
- Studying the Old and New Testaments: Children spend just as much time in the Old and New Testaments, learning about each other's main distinctions and how they feel. overlap.
To learn more about this Sunday School program and to download a sample, visit the following website: www.projetevangile.com < / p>