<transcy>The Solid Foundation of Salvation - Doctrinal Study on the Canons of Dordrecht (Le solide fondement du salut - Étude doctrinale sur les canons de Dordrecht)</transcy>
Étude doctrinale sur les canons de Dordrecht
Paulin BédardDuring the history of the Church, several confessions of faith have been written during a period of theological controversy. This is the case with the Canons of Dordrecht, which were written with the aim of refuting the errors of Arminianism and reaffirming the great doctrines of the sovereign grace of God.
The Reformed Christians of the seventeenth th century were therefore put to the test and had to take a stand on various doctrinal issues. Was the Church of Rome right, after all, in emphasizing that man had to earn his salvation? Were the Anabaptists right that man had to answer first before God came into his life? Was the sovereign grace of God in the salvation of men a fundamental doctrine?
This doctrinal study on the Canons of Dordrecht makes us rediscover all the richness of the heritage left to us by our fathers in the faith. It presents to us the glorious truths of the sovereign grace of God and tells us of salvation entirely free in Jesus Christ - by pure grace, without any consideration of our works - a salvation prepared from all eternity for the elect of God and which will be certainly brought to an end in the eternity to come.
PAULIN BÉDARD was born into a traditional Roman Catholic family. He was seized by the grace of the gospel at the age of 18 and quickly had a desire to pass on and teach others the powerful message of the Word of God. From 1982 to 1985, he studied theology at the Jean Calvin Faculty of Aix-en-Provence. He is now at work as pastor of the Reformed Christian Church of Beauce, Quebec. He is also the director of the site ressourceschretiennes.com .
Table of contents
1. The election
2. Redemption
3. Corruption
4. The conversion
5. Perseverance
Author : Paulin Bédard
Publisher : La Rochelle
Publication : March 2019
ISBN : 978-2-924895-05-4
Pages : 450
Dimensions : 6 "x 9"
Format : paperback < br> Weight : 612 g
Blog articles
The Right Way to Talk About Election - Returning to the GospelElection Encourages Us to Evangelism - Returning to the Gospel
The cause of our election: an unconditional election - Returning to the Gospel
The certainty of our election - Returning to the Gospel
The practical benefits of being certain of our election - Returning to the Gospel
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