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<transcy>Because The time is near (Le temps est proche)</transcy>

John MacArthur
by Impact
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Whether caused by a giant asteroid, a global plague, or some other planetary catastrophe, the end of the world is a terrifying prospect, at least for those who have no idea what it will be. 

For Christians, however, the end of the world should not be a source of anguish. In fact, we should be looking forward to it. Why ? Because God revealed to us how the world was going to end. Further, he has assured us that the end of this era will mark the beginning of a new and glorious era in which we will serve and worship him in a sinless world. Our eternal hope, as believers, is inextricably linked to the end of this world.

All of this is stated in the book of Revelation. Not only is Revelation the inspired Word of God, it is also the only New Testament book that contains a promise of spiritual blessing for those who study and apply its message. This is why every believer should take the time to study this book.

In The time is at hand , John MacArthur explains the book of Revelation in a way that is both doctrinally precise and intensely practical. It introduces us to the many divine truths found in this part of God's revelation along with all of the promised blessings that flow from understanding them.

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JOHN MACARTHUR (D. Div., Talbot Theological Seminary) is a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church, a church in Sun Valley, California. His preaching ministry by exhibition is unmatched in scope and influence. He is the author of numerous bestsellers, including The MacArthur Commentaries on the New Testament .

Table of contents

First part: “Write therefore what you have seen” (Rev 1.1-20)

1. Prologue to the revelation of Christ (1.1-8)
2. The vision of Christ's return (1.9-20)

Part Two: The Things That Are Now (Rev 2.1 - 3.22)
3. The Letter to the Believers from Ephesus (2.1-7)
4. Letters to the Believers of Smyrna and Pergamum (2.8-17)
5. Letters to the believers in Thyatira and Sardis (1.18 - 3.6)
6. Letters to the Believers in Philadelphia and Laodicea (3.7-22)

Part Three: What Must Happen Next (Rev 4.1 - 22.21)
7. The Throne of God (4.1-11)
8. He who is worthy (5: 1-14)
9. The sealed judgments of the Tribulation (6.1-17)
10. The Saints of the Tribulation (7.1-17)
11. The judgments of the six trumpets (8.1 - 9.21)
12. The little book and the two witnesses (10.1 - 11.14)
13. The seventh trumpet (11.15-19)
14. The War (12.1-17)
15. The beast and its prophet (13.1-18)
16. Announcement of Tribulations (14.1-20)
17. The judgment of the cups (15.1 - 16.21)
18. The religion of Babylon (17.1-18)
19. Babylonian Enterprises (18.1-24)
20. The second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ (19.1-21)
21. The Millennium (20.1-10)
22. The judgment of the great white throne (11/20-15)
23. “I make all things new” (21.1 - 22.5)
24. Words of comfort and warnings (22.6-21)


Original titles : Because the Time is Near
Author : John MacArthur
Publisher: Impact
Publication : March 2021
ISBN : 978-2-89082-442-3
Pages : 370
Dimensions : 6 "x 9"
Format : paperback
Weight : 500 g

Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Céline Goulet
Très intéressant le livre de l'Apocalypse

J'aime beaucoup, les explications très instructif, nous porte a aimer et adorer notre Grand et Merveilleux Père Éternel davantage.

Sylvie Nantel

Étude intéressante du livre de l'Apocalypse. Clair, concis. J'aurais aimé que les évènements mondiaux d'aujourd'hui soient commentés

JEAN LEPINE j'ai bien apprécié ce commentaire, j'en poursuit toujours la lecture.
