<tc>Final Word (L'Écriture seule)</tc>
Available: October 2021
“In the face of ever-changing cultural trends, the Church must courageously proclaim the eternal relevance and unwavering applicability of the Word of God. "
The Bible is under attack from all sides. Non-believers denounce her as outdated, narrow-minded and intolerant. Some people even within the Church deny its truth to conform to their culture. Each of these attacks makes us hear echoes of the serpent's question in the Garden of Eden: "Did God really say? Unfortunately, many believers do not know how to answer this question and find their confidence in the Word of God shaken.
In Scripture Alone , John MacArthur defends the reliability of Scripture for the purpose of equipping the Church so that she may be able to stand firmly for the truth, even when d 'others abandon it. It is only when God's people recognize the Bible for what it is - the infallible Word of God and the ultimate source of authority - that they will be able to fulfill their calling and pass on to the whole world. the good news of God's salvation.
JOHN MACARTHUR (D. Div., Talbot Theological Seminary) is a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church, a church in Sun Valley, California. His preaching ministry by exhibition is unmatched in scope and influence. He is president of The Master’s University and Seminary. He is the author of numerous bestsellers, including MacArthur Commentaries on the New Testament
“Many of the controversies that rock the Church today have to do with the question of authority. Where Scripture is ignored or rejected, doctrinal errors and heresies abound. Now, God has spoken, and the Bible is his last word. In our generation, no one understood this reality more clearly and defended it more courageously than John MacArthur. In this book, he demonstrates - drawing on Scripture itself - how and why the Word of God, his written Word, is to be recognized as the supreme authority by those who confess Jesus as Lord. Such a commitment to Scripture should never be taken for granted, or else it will quickly be abandoned. Read this book and use it to help others understand how to live faithfully under the authority of Jesus Christ. »
- Tom Ascol, pastor, Grace Baptist Church, Cape Coral, Florida; Managing Director, Founders Ministries
“You have in your hands a profound and, alas, absolutely necessary book. I say "alas" because it addresses questions that have been raised for a long time and to which answers have been provided for generations. The attacks he responds to are neither new nor sophisticated. And that’s what makes its necessity unfortunate. It is unfortunate that we have to fight the enemies of the Bible once again. Yet we have to face them, and that is precisely what John MacArthur is doing in this book. May this deep and necessary book consolidate your faith in the Word of God, answering questions, dispelling myths, and reaffirming the inerrancy, sufficiency, and beauty of the scriptures. »
- Voddie Baucham, Dean of the Seminary, African Christian University, Lusaka, Zambia
“In each generation, God raises up an extraordinary soldier to struggle and defend the authority and sufficiency of the written Word of God. In the sixteenth century, this valiant individual was called Martin Luther. In the 19th century, the figurehead was named Benjamin Breckinridge Warfield. I believe history will reveal that in the 21st century John MacArthur was that mighty man who tirelessly defended divine inspiration, wandering, and the authority of Scripture. For more than half a century, MacArthur has been at the forefront in the battle for the Bible, and he has fought the good fight to defend it against the relentless onslaught of radical disbelief. Read this book, and you will be stronger and more fearless in your faith. »
- Steven J. Lawson, Founder and President of OnePassion Ministries, Dallas
Table of contents
1. The Bible is under attack
2. The Bible is the Truth
3. The Bible Is Endowed With Authority
4. The Bible is the catalyst for spiritual growth
5. The Bible is at the Center of Faithful Christian Ministry
6. The Bible is food for the soul
Original title : Final Word
Author : John MacArthur
Publisher : Impact Publishing
Release : October 2021
ISBN : 978-2-89082-486-7
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
Pages : 132
Format : paperback