<transcy>Counterfeit gods (Les idoles du coeur)</transcy>
Two thousand years ago, the most advanced nations worshiped idols made of wood and stone. Today we laugh at their ignorance. But are we further along?
Money, sex, power, family, work, relationships… we believe they are the key to happiness. We are tempted to elevate them above all. Calling it idolatry shocks us. But by taking control of our lives, they take God's place.
In Idols of the Heart Timothy Keller examines the issue of idolatry through the Bible and reveals the unvarnished reality about the ideals of society and our own heart. It examines our constant tendency to worship what will always disappoint us in the end.
Author of the bestseller Reason is for God , Keller cements, with this new book, his reputation as a critical thinker and pastor. The author attacks our cultural values. In the current climate of our society, his message is timely for both the faithful and the skeptics.
Why read the book?
- To reflect on the question of modern idolatry.
- To understand the mechanisms of idolatry in all its forms.
- To identify the ways to get rid of it.
Highlights of the book
- Best-selling author: a modern CS Lewis.
- Topical subject.
- Numerous references to European culture (literary, artistic, ...).
- Renews our understanding of biblical passages that are yet classic.
- Believers of all faiths.
- Skeptics, atheists, agnostics.
Timothy Keller studied at Bucknell University, Gordon Conwell School of Theology and Westminster School of Theology. He then became the New York pastor of the Presbyterian Church of the Redeemer, which he established in 1989 with his wife Kathy and their three young sons. Today, the Church of the Redeemer is regularly attended by nearly five thousand people. It has many partner churches and supports the birth of new churches in several metropolises.
Table of contents
Introduction - An Idol Factory
Chapter 1 - Everything You Ever Wanted
Chapter 2 - Love Is Not Enough
Chapter 3 - Money Changes Everything
Chapter 4 - The Seduction of Success
Chapter 5 - The Power and the Glory
Chapter 6 - The Hidden Idols
Chapter 7 - The End of the Idols
Epilogue - Finding and Replacing Your Idols
A few words about the author
Author: Keller, Tim
Original title: Counterfeit gods
Publisher: Clé/ Impact
Publication: 2012
ISBN: 978-2-89082-156-9
Pages: 184
Weight : 236 g
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback < / p>
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