<transcy>The Three are One (Les trois sont un : Ce que la Bible enseigne sur la Trinité)</transcy>
Many Christians immediately think of the Father when there is mention of God. Just as perhaps have no desire to question the idea of Trinity. However, it must be recognized that the mystery of one God in three persons is often a source of apprehension. This cannot be easily explained, and embarrassment sometimes arises when faced with objections.
Now, the divinity of the Lord Jesus or that of the Holy Spirit belong to a truth which is fundamental to the Bible. Virtually all of the sects and heresies that have arisen in history and that exist today separate themselves from Scripture at this point.
If the genuine Christian believes that the persons of the Godhead - Father, Son, and Holy Ghost - are three and yet one God, how should he understand the Bible's testimony in this regard? How can he respond to those who question him about this truth? It must be recognized that man's sole reason is outdated.
The author shows how, even without naming it, Scripture clearly teaches the reality of the Trinity, and how this truth serves as the foundation of Christian faith. In simple and straightforward language, it guides the reader to better understand the different facets of the wonders that God has revealed about himself, while avoiding the pitfalls that stand in the way. It clearly presents what the Bible says and what it does not. It shows how the Church has gradually come to express this doctrine which is of great comfort to the believer in his daily life.
Stuart Olyott: After serving many years as a pastor, first in Liverpool, Great Britain, then Lausanne, Switzerland, he served as pastoral director of the Evangelical Movement in Wales, before taking up a very active retirement. He is a popular speaker around the world and has written many books, many of which have been translated into French.
Table of contents
Editor's Preface
1. O God, how wonderful you are!
2. God is a
3. The Father is God
4. Jesus Christ, the Son, is God
5. The Holy Spirit is God
6. Three separate people
7. The eternal generation of the Son
8. The Eternal Procession of the Holy Spirit
9. Holy Trinity!
10. Some mistakes to avoid
11. A truth we must live
Appendix - The symbol of Nicaea-Constantinople
Original title : The Three are One
Author : Stuart Olyott
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : 2010
ISBN : 978-2-914562-58-4
Pages : 119
Format : paperback
Weight : 164 g