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<transcy>Fix Your Eyes on Jesus (Les yeux fixés sur Jésus)</transcy>

Frank Allred
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The more the believer fixes his gaze on his Lord, the more he will be precious to him, and the more the life of this disciple will be centered on Christ. This is the secret that lies at the heart of a life that honors God.

Today, it is more common for those who claim to be named Christ to seek out some miracle recipe or trick that will bear immediate fruit and, if possible, painlessly or effortlessly, with a healthy dose of pleasure. This path only leads to disillusion and failure.

Therefore, Frank Allred urges his reader to make every effort to become ever more aware of the glory of Christ, and of the privileges which in him belong to the believer. It is necessary to grasp the wonderful destiny that awaits the Christian beyond this life. The eternal bliss that flows from the very presence of God in a new world where there is no more sin and no death.

If the believer wants to grow in his intimate knowledge of Christ (which is certainly the desire of every genuine Christian), he must immerse himself in the Bible because it is in it that all the necessary motivations are found for keep your eyes on Jesus. And the joy of such a path is such that whoever experiences it overflows with love for their Savior.

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Frank Allred - Born in England in the first quarter of the twentieth century, he served in his country’s army during World War II. After working for several years in the private sector, he received theological and pastoral training in the Church of England and then served in several churches in the center of the country. He is now using his retirement to publish books, some of which have appeared in French.

Table of contents


The glory of Christ

1. The radiance of his glory
1. The glory of God
2. The radiance of the glory of God
3. The wisdom of God

2. His eternal glory as Redeemer
1. Father's pleasure
2. The pleasure of the Holy Spirit
3. The work of the Son

3. The glory of his humiliation
1. The Glory of His Incarnation
2. The Glory of His Obedience
3. The glory of his cross
4. The glory of the believer

4. The glory of his exaltation
1. The glory of his humanity
2. The glory of his body
3. His glory as Lord
4. His glory as High Priest
5. His glory as Head of the Church

5. The role of the Holy Spirit
1. The Holy Spirit reveals the glory of Christ
2. The Holy Spirit reveals the glory of Christ through believers
3. The Holy Spirit baptizes us in one body

The life of faith

6. See Jesus by faith
1. The role of faith
2. The gaze of faith
3. The limits of faith
4 . Blessings of Faith

7. The Hope of Glory
1. What is Christian hope?
2. The realization of our hope
3. To rejoice in hope
4. Hope is patient
5. A special encouragement to hope
6. What do we hope for?

8. Growing up in the image of Christ
1. The process: towards maturity
2. Preparation: sanctification
3. The model: Christ
4. The promise: the election
5. The Provider: The Spirit

9. See Jesus through his Word
1. The authority of the Word
2. Read the Word
3. Understanding the Word
a. Trying to penetrate the intent of the author
b. Compare Scripture to itself
c. Do not base teaching on storytelling
d. Beware of false claims
e. Do not take everything literally
f. Remember that the Bible contains all that is necessary for salvation
4. Praying the Word

10. See Jesus in our sufferings
1. Identify the cause
2. Appreciate the privilege
3. Get the most out of it
4. Avoid false hopes
5. Avoid bad comparisons
6.Stay focused on Jesus

The glory to come

11. The Glory of His Return
1. Jesus returns in person
2. Jesus returns to the eyes of all
3. Jesus returns in glory
4. Jesus returns for his own

12. When that which is perfect has come
1. A Glorious Perspective
2. From glory to glory
3. The fullness of glory
4. A glorified body
5. The restoration of all things
6. What about after death?

1. Let's put our priorities in order
2. Let us remember our call to holiness of life
3. Let’s not forget who we are
4. Back to the Bible
5. Let's ask ourselves a simple question


Original title : Fix Your Eyes on Jesus
Author : Frank Allred
Publisher : Europresse
Publication : November 2021
ISBN : 978-1-914156-03-8
Pages : 262
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 306 g


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