<transcy>Married and happy? (Mariés et heureux?)</transcy>
Is it possible to live as a couple and be happy?
For many, marriage means suffering in silence for the rest of their lives in a poor relationship. For others, marriage is a necessary evil that allows the establishment of a certain stability in order to have a family. Many will say that their marriage is not necessarily going badly, but why then this feeling so strong of missing something, of missing out on your life?
Married and Happy is a simple, practical, gospel-centered, realistic and concrete book, with a hint of humor and a dash of common sense. Whether you are about to get married or ready to celebrate your fifteenth wedding anniversary, this book will be a useful tool for you to connect or reconnect with your spouse and improve your relationship.
The road to a happy marriage can be rocky at times, but it is worth it
Jean-Sébastien Morin won the 2016 word prize for his book “Married and happy? ". He has worked with adolescents and young adults for over 15 years as a youth pastor, camp director and speaker. He is currently director of Quebec for One Hope Canada, a mission that has a burden for the formation of disciples of francophone youth. Jean-Sébastien teaches in several Quebec evangelical seminaries. He has been married to Katie for over fifteen years and has four young children.
Author : Jean-Sébastien Morin
Publisher : Multilingual Ministry
Publication : 2013
ISBN : 9782895761259
Pages : 172 g
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.25"
Format : paperback
Weight : 248 g