<transcy>Memoirs of an Ordinary Pastor (eBook) (Mémoires d'un pasteur ordinaire (eBook))</transcy>
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“Read this book and be strengthened. You have in your hands a mixture of history, humor and an impressive amount of wisdom for the Christian life (and wisdom especially for pastors!). You will find in abundance surprising and even striking statements. God still encourages His Church by the example and writings of Don Carson. "
–Mark Dever, Pastor Capitol Hill Baptist Church
" In these days when we honor the pastors of the mega-churches, it is refreshing to read the story of an ordinary pastor. This represents the unsung heroes among us who do not aspire to greatness, but rather godliness and faith. This account from Dr. Don Carson's father provides us with a good understanding of the life of a man who accepted the challenges of ministry with grace and integrity. The story also gives us the rare opportunity to understand the life of a Protestant pastor in French-speaking Quebec. This book is a powerful reminder that there are no small ministries if we are faithful to the God who called us. Read it so that you will be blessed, challenged, and educated in the things that really matter. "
–Erwin W. Lutzer, Senior Pastor, Moody Church , Chicago
" Memories of an Ordinary Pastor: Life and Reflections by Tom Carson is a deeply edifying and topical book. The seal of the ministry of the gospel is not numbers, “success”, novelty or “relevance”, but fidelity, and this message is heard loud and clear from beginning to end of these memoirs. . This reading recalls the powerful words of Anna Waring: “Happy to occupy this little place, if You are glorified by it”. I find the content deeply evocative and informative from a pastoral perspective. In this age of famous preachers and celebrity-led ministries, it is quite refreshing to be educated and encouraged by the record of quiet, lifelong Biblical faithfulness in the work of God. gospel. Read, Repent. Be encouraged. And go and do the same.
–Ligon Duncan, Senior Pastor, First Presbyterian Church , Jackson, Mississippi; president, Alliance of Confessing Evangelicals ; Assistant Professor, Reformed Theological Seminary
"This book is a rare and precious gift from one of the foremost scholars of the evangelical movement. It is rare, because given our modern fascination with mega-churches and famous pastors, we tend to put aside the simple and faithful pastor. He is precious to ordinary pastors like me, because the life of Tom Carson is an inspiring biblical model for pastoral ministry, a ministry that is gospel-centered, full of integrity, and faithful to the end. Dr. Carson is very generous in leaving his father's quiet legacy to us in this way. May every pastor and Christian who reads this book aspire to bequeath such an “ordinary” heritage. »
–C.J. Mahaney, Sovereign Grace Ministries
"Could there be a better story to encourage pastors than the one told by a Bible-steeped mind (Don's) about 'a life steeped in the Bible (Tom's)? And this “intelligence” applies to it with a lot of love because the “life” in question is that of his father. Add to that yet a certain kind of creativity in storytelling that you never knew from Don Carson. See the result.
–John Piper, pastor responsible for preaching and vision, Bethlehem Baptist Church , Minneapolis
Donald Carson is Professor of New Testament Research at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School , where he has taught since 1978. He has served as a pastor and in itinerant ministry in Canada and the United Kingdom . Dr. Carson is a frequently invited preacher and teacher in many churches and conferences in academic circles around the world. He is the author and publisher of over forty-five books.Table of contents
Preface1. O Canada! Brief History of Quebec
2. Tom Carson: The Beginnings of His Life and Ministry
3. French Work in Montreal
4. The crisis
5. The first years in Drummondville
6. Discouragement, Despair, Commitment
7. Official and Servant of the Gospel
8. The Work Continues: Transformation and Growth
9. Marg's Alzheimer's Years
10. A happy ending: the last ministry and a glorious promotion
Original title : Memoirs of an Ordinary PastorAuthor : DA Carson
Publisher : Cruciforme
Pages : 197
Publication : 2013