<transcy>My money at His service (Mon argent à son service)</transcy>
• Biblical Financial Principles (Harold MacKay)
• Commentaries on passages from N.T. (William MacDonald)
WHAT IS Scripture TEACHING about supporting the work of God?
What principles has the Lord given on this subject for His Church?
What does He expect from me regarding "my" money?
What does the Bible say about those who live on the gospel?
Based on an extensive review of the biblical texts on the subject, H. Mackay answers these and other questions in detail. He exhorts us to follow the principles given by God so that the gift of our goods becomes in return a blessing for us and His Church.
This study is followed by a detailed commentary on several passages from the New Testament: chapters 8 and 9 of the Epistle to the Corinthians, texts of the Gospel according to Luke and of the Epistle of James.
Biblical financial principles
Author : Harold MacKay
Commentary on passages from NT
Original title : extract from The Believer's Bible Commentary
Author : William MacDonald
Publisher : The Joy of the Eternal
ISBN : 2-904361-06-5
Publication : 2000
Pages : 64
Dimensions : 10.5 x 18 cm
Format : paperback
Weight : 58 g