<transcy>Journey to the cross (Objectif Golgotha)</transcy>
The cross of Christ has always held an important place for Christians, and it is good to keep coming back to this anchor point over and over again. It was she who opened the doors of salvation to him and it is she who forms the core of the message he believes, lives and announces.
But this book goes further. He claims that the Golgotha cross is "crucial" for God himself !
From the “instant of eternity” when the Triune God made a commitment to bring salvation to his elect, all of the Trinity and human history have tended towards only one event: Golgotha.
Without it, no biblical promises, no Old Testament, no coming of Jesus here. Without the cross of Calvary, there is no redemption, no salvation, no return of Jesus Christ to seek his Church. Everything is centered on the cross! Everything leads there and everything follows!
Through the history of redemption, the Old Testament, and the life of Jesus, the author traces how God always had the cross of Christ in the sights of his wonderful plan of salvation. With dynamic simplicity, he draws concrete applications from it, both for the life and for the message of the believer in the face of a disoriented and desperate world.
Pages to stir up in Christians a sense of wonder and awe of the awe of the work of Christ. They underline how the centrality of the cross of Christ is such as to give the Church the spiritual power and influence she so badly needs for her life and mission today.
Roger Ellsworth - After several pastorates in Evangelical Baptist churches in the United States, he served with a Bible institute and an association of evangelical churches. Now engaged in active retirement, he is the author of several books and Bible commentaries.
Table of contents
Section I: Towards the cross
1 The mission order of the cross
The necessity of the cross
2 The sin of man
3 The holiness and the wrath of God
4 An overview of the promises of the Old Testament
5 A promise in the books of Moses
6 A promise in the Psalms
7 A promise in the prophets
Images of the cross
8 The institution of sacrifice
9 A significant event
10 An important figure
11 The coming of the Son
The Son declares his determination to go to the cross
12 By his baptism
13 By the temptations in the desert
14 By his public ministry
15 With his disciples
16 The transfiguration
17 The triumphal entry into Jerusalem
18 In the upper room
19 In the garden of Gethsemane
20 From Gethsemane to Golgotha
Section II: on the cross
21 The submission of Christ to the Father
22 Christ's love for sinners
23 Christ's love for his own
24 Christ fulfills the task
25 Christ asserts his qualifications
26 C hrist completes the task
Section III: Beyond the cross
27 The satisfaction of the Father
28 The satisfaction of Jesus
29 The satisfaction of the redeemed < br>
Section IV: The responses to the cross
30 The response of faith
31 The response of love
Original title : Journey to the cross
Author : Roger Ellsworth
Publisher: Europresse
Pages : 240
Weight : 290 g
Publication date : May 1998
Dimensions : 5.43 "x 8.5"
ISBN : 978-2-906287-84-6
Format : paperback