<transcy>Complete works of Saint John Chrysostom (11 volumes) (Oeuvres complètes de Saint Jean Chrysostome (11 Tomes))</transcy>
John Chrysostom is the Father of the Church who left the greatest literary heritage. He is known today as one of the greatest preachers of all time. His work is essentially made up of sermons on various theological and practical subjects. In his writings, he always demonstrates a great pastoral concern. He wants to uplift us by offering us practical lessons that will help us stand up for Bible truths.
John Chrysostom, born in Antioch around AD 350 and died in 407, was Archbishop of Constantinople and one of the Fathers of the Church. His eloquence was the origin of his nickname "Chrysostom", which means "mouth of gold" in ancient Greek. His rigor and his reforming zeal led him to exile. When leaving Constantinople, he sent this message to Empress Eudoxy: “Chrysostom fears only one thing: it is neither exile, nor prison, nor poverty, nor death, it is the sin. "
Series summary
Tome 1
Exhortations or letters to Theodore after his fall
Against the opponents of monastic life
Parallel between a king and a monk
Discourse on compunction < br> Exhortations to Stagirius the ascetic tormented by the demon
Suspicious cohabitations
Treatise on the Priesthood
Homily pronounced by Saint John Chrysostom on the day he was ordained priest
Homilies against the Anomeans
Christ is God
Speeches against the Jews
Homily on the anathema
Speeches on the Calendes
Homilies on Lazarus
Tome 2
Homilies addressed to the people of Antioch on the occasion of the overturned statues
Two catecheses addressed to the people of Antioch
Homilies to the people of Antioch
Homilies on penance
Speech of Saint John Chrysostom on some feasts of Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Saints
Homily on the baptism of the Savior and on Epiphany
Homilies on the betrayal of Judas < br> Homily on the cemetery and on the cross
Homilies on the cross and on the good thief
Homily on the resurrection of the dead
Homily against drunkenness and on the resurrection
Homily on the ascension of our Lord
Homily on Pentecost
Praise of Saint Paul
Panegyric of Saint Meletius
Panegyric of Saint Lucian
Speech on Saint Babylas
Panegyric of the holy martyrs Juventine and Maximin
Praise of Saint Pelagie
Panegyric of St. Ignatius Theophorus
Panegyric of St. Eustace
Panegyric of St. Roman
Homilies on the Maccabees
Panegyric of Saint Bernicé and Prosdocé and of Domnine their mother
Homily on the holy martyrs
Homily on the preaching
Homily on Saint Julian
Homily on Saint Barlaam
Homily on Saint Drosis
Homily on the Egyptian martyrs
Homily on Saint Phocas
Homily on the holy martyrs
Homily on an earthquake
Homily on the betrayal of Judas
Homily on the memory of Saint Bassus
Speech on Peter the apostle and on the pr ophetes Elijah
Speech on Blessed Abraham
Homily on St. Thecla
Speech on the fate and providence
Homilies on prayer
Volume 3
Homily on the parable of the debtor of ten thousand talents
Homily on the Passion of our Lord
Homily on the way of living according to God
Homily on the paralytic introduced by the roof
Homily on the beginning of Acts
Homily on name changes
Homily on tribulations
Homily on the love of God
Homily on the memory of insults
Homilies on Priscilla and Aquila
Homilies on marriage
Homily on prophecies
Homily on heresies
Homily on alms
Homilies on the spirit of faith
Homily on the madness of Saint Paul
Homily on these words: That Christ be announced
Homily on widows
Homily on Elijah and the widow
Homily on the happiness of the future life
Homily on against backbiting and curses
Homily on against despair
Homily on these words: I resisted him in the face
Homilies on the eunuch Eutrope
Homily on Saturnin and Aurélien
Homily on the return of John to Constantinople
Homily to receive Sévérien
Homily pronounced by Sévérien
Homily pronounced by John before his departure for exile
Homilies pronounced by John after his return from exile
Homily on the Chanaan woman
Speech: That we can only suffer harm from ourselves Speech: To those who are scandalized by adversities
Letters from Saint John Chrysostom to Pope Innocent
Letters of Saint John Chrysostom
Letter of Saint John Chrysostom to the monk Cesaire
Praise of Diodorus Tarsus and fragment of another praise for the
same character
Homily on Easter
Homily on the ascension of our Lord
Volume 4
Homilies on Genesis
Speech on Genesis
Speech on Anne
Homilies on David and Saul
Explanation of the Psalms (3 to 6)
Volume 5
Explanation of the Psalms (7 to 150)
Homilies on the man who became rich
Homily on the Great Week
Doubtful booklet
Comments on the prophet Isaiah
Homilies on Oxias
Homily on the evils of life
Homily on free will < br data-mce-fragment = "1"> Homily on the darkness of prophecies
Commentary on the prophet Daniel
Homily on these lyrics: The son does nothing on his own
Homily on Melchizedek
Homily against circus games and theaters
Homily on the perils of the last days
Homily on perfect charity, on the just retribution of merit and on compunction
Homily on the a chastity
Discourse on death and resurrection
Homily on the legislator of the Old and New Testament
Homily on this text: By virtue of what authority do you act thus
Volume 6
Summary of the Old and New Testaments
Homily on the birth of Christ
Speech by Sévérien, bishop of Gabales, on the creation of the world
Speech by Sévérien, bishop of Gabales, on the serpent
Homilies on Saint Matthew (1 to 70)
Volume 7
Homilies on Saint Matthew (71 to 90)
Homilies on the Gospel of Saint John
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles (1 to 17)
Volume 8
Homilies on the Acts of the Apostles (18 to 55)
Homilies on the Epistle to the Romans
Homilies on the Epistles to the Corinthians (1 to 22)
Volume 9
Homilies on the First Epistle to the Corinthians (23 to 44)
Homilies on the second Epistle to the Corinthians
Homilies on the Epistle to the Galatians
Homilies on the Epistle to the Ephesians
Homilies on the Epistle to the Philippians (1 to 13)
Volume 10
Homilies on the Epistle to the Philippians (14 and 15)
Homilies on the 'Epistle to the Colossians
Homilies on the two Epistles to the Thessalonians
Homilies on the two Epistles to Timothy
Homilies on the Epistle to Titus
Homilies on the Epistle to Philemon
Homilies on the Epistle to the Hebrews < br data-mce-fragment = "1"> Last homilies (11 homilies on various subjects)
Volume 11
General analytical table of the complete works of Saint John Chrysostom
(volumes 1 to 10 )
Author : Saint Jean Chrysostome
Publisher : Impact Héritage
Dimensions : 8½ x 11 inches
Weight : 14.6 kg
Format : paperback