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John MacArthur
by Impact
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Parables are tools Jesus used to teach and defend the truth. They all serve to illustrate gospel facts and contain essential lessons that Jesus wanted to impart to God's people. In this book, John MacArthur invites us to discover the richness of the truth in these stories told by Jesus.

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Since 1969 John MacArthur has served as a pastor-teacher at Grace Community Church, a church in Sun Valley, California. His ministry of preaching by exhibition is unmatched in scope and influence; during the four decades of ministry in the same Church, he exposed verse by verse the entire New Testament (as well as several key sections of the Old Testament). He is the president of The Master’s University and Seminary. It can be heard daily on the Grace to You radio show (broadcast on hundreds of radio stations around the world). He is the author of a number of bestsellers, including The Holy Bible with Commentaries by John MacArthur and The Gospel According to Jesus.


“In this new book, Dr. r John MacArthur redirects everything you thought you knew about parables by explaining their meaning and relevance to the lives of believers. Commenting on these deep and vibrant accounts for those within the kingdom of Christ, MacArthur states that the parables do not reveal the truth to those outside the kingdom, but obscure it from them. Parables is a fascinating and stimulating book in its way of tearing apart the thick cloud of exegetical incomprehension concerning the illustrative pedagogy of Jesus. John MacArthur acts as a watchman on the ramparts, and directs us to Christ, the protective shelter within the walls of truth. "
- Steven J. Lawson, President of OnePassion Ministries and Professor of Homiletics, The Master’s Seminary

“After more than 40 years of faithful pastoral ministry, John MacArthur has proven himself to be a sure guide through Scripture and a knowledgeable commentator on the Word of God. This new work, Parables : the mysteries of the kingdom of God revealed through the stories told by Jesus , is a rich biblical, theological and meditative presentation of the parables of the Lord. »
Albert Mohler, son, president of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“No one in this generation has presented a heroic and solid apology for the authority and inspiration of Scripture better than John MacArthur. I consider this scholar to be one of the best Bible commentators of our time. Few have given so much care and attention to the interpretation and application of Jesus' words in the gospels. I warmly recommend Parables . This is a masterpiece that comes to us from a beloved and seasoned pastor. »
- D r R. C. Sproul, founder and president of Ligonier Ministries

Table of contents

A poor understanding of parables.
Why parables?
Some definitions and details.
1. A grim day in Galilee
The Pharisees and the Sabbath
Jesus' conflict with the religious elite
Miraculous healing and deliverance
The unforgivable sin < br> The pivotal day continues
2. A Lesson on Welcoming the Word
A Surprisingly Simple Story
Some subtle points to note
Beware the way you listen to
The explanation
3. A Lesson on the Cost of Discipleship
What is the kingdom?
Is entry into the kingdom free or paid?
The Hidden Treasure
The Pearl of Great Price
Six Vital Truths About the Kingdom
4. A Lesson on Justice and Grace
The Parable
The Proverb
The Lesson
The Goal < br> The principles
5. A lesson in loving neighbor
A trick question
A hard heart
A gentle answer with a lesson unforgettable
The dangerous path and aggression
The priest and the Levite
Jews and Samaritans
The Samaritan's Way of Loving
Unlimited Love
6. A Lesson on Justification by Faith
Two Men in the Temple
The Problem of Sinners
Analysis of the parabola
The contrasts
The similarities
The main difference
In good standing with God
A brief epilogue
7. A Lesson on Faithfulness
The Story of the Two Servants
The Ten Virgins
The Talents
What unites these parables?
8. A Lesson in Serpent's Caution
The Story
The Horror
The Explanation
9. A lesson about heaven and hell
Jesus and the Pharisees
The context of this parable
Testing the fear of the Lord
The characters
The rich man's supplication and the response of Abraham
Even if a man rose from the dead
10. A Lesson on Perseverance in Prayer
The Judge
The Woman's Dilemma
The Turning Point
The Meaning
Stories as Effective Supports of Truth
The Richness of Truth in the parables of Jesus
Narrations and propositions
Subject index
Index of biblical references
About the author


Author (s) : MacArthur, John
Original title : Parables
Edition : Impact
ISBN : 978-2-89082-282-5
Pages : 263
Dimensions : 6''x9 ''
Weight : 374 g
Publication : September 2016
Format : paperback

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All we have belongs to God - Returning to the Gospel
The Parable of the Two Servants - Returning to the Gospel
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The lesson of the parable of the winegrower and his workers - Coming back to the Gospel
What is “sin unforgivable ”? - Return to the Gospel
The parable of the sower, the good soil and the grace of God - Return to the Gospel
The parable of the good Samaritan and the love of neighbor - Returning to the Gospel

Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Mariane Picard
Très bon livre !

Ce livre se lit vraiment bien, aisément (mis à part l'intro et la conclusion que j'ai trouvé un peu plus longue à lire). Chaque chapitre est comme une prêche sur une des paraboles de Jésus. Je l'ai beaucoup aimé et le recommande fortement. C'est un livre qui s'offre bien en cadeau à d'autres chrétiens aussi je trouve. À lire et relire.