<transcy>Ministering like the Master (Prêcher comme Jésus)</transcy>
Christ was not a boring preacher! “How wonderful it would be,” says the author, “if the preachers of the gospel all over the world preached like their Teacher! "
Based on examples of Jesus' preaching recorded in the gospels, Stuart Olyott challenges the current preacher with three characteristics of the ministry of Jesus.
- Christ's style and method was not boring but striking.
- The preaching of Jesus also aimed to evangelize, to touch hearts for salvation
- Nor was his ministry limited to preaching. In fact, his whole life was his ministry.
In an attractive, new and practical style, the author guides the preacher by pointing out some of the perils and pitfalls that could destroy his success. In doing so, he shows how essential the example of Jesus is to those who seek to serve him today.
Every believer, whether called or not called to preach, will also draw energy from it to fuel their prayers on behalf of the servants of the Word and the proclamation of the good news of salvation in Christ alone.
Stuart Olyott
After serving many years as pastor, in Liverpool and Lausanne, he served as pastoral director of the Evangelical Movement in Wales. He also taught at Bryntirion, the Welsh Evangelical Theological College before going on a very active retreat. He is the author of numerous books, many of which have been translated into French.
Table of contents
- Preface
- Jesus was not a boring preacher
- Jesus was preacher evangelist
- Jesus was not just a preacher
- Appendix: Preaching, a practical guide to its preparation
Original title : Ministering like the Master
Author : Stuart Olyott
Publisher: Europresse
Pages : 128
Weight : 170 g
Release : November 2015
Dimensions : 13.7 x 21.6 cm
ISBN : 9782914562140
Format : paperback