<transcy>When Good Kids Makes Bad Choices (Quand nos enfants font de mauvais choix)</transcy>
What to do when you feel like you've lost your child?
There is perhaps no greater fear in the heart of a parent than that of seeing their beloved and well-behaved child turn into a prodigal son.
As parents, how should you deal with a child who refuses to cooperate with you, who is always angry, who seems to develop hatred towards you, or who rejects the Christian faith?
In this book, Jim Newheiser and Elyse Fitzpatrick draw on their years of personal experience as parents and Bible counselors to explain how injured parents can cope with the emotional trauma of a child's rebellion.
They offer warm encouragement and concrete solutions that will be useful to parents, even to those who are going through particularly difficult situations.
The book also has great tips for common medications prescribed for children with behavioral problems, and offers questions parents can ask doctors before using these types of medications.
Elyse Fitzpatrick (M. A., Trinity Theological Seminary) is a Biblical Counselor at the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD), located in San Diego, California.
Jim Newheiser (M. A., D. Min., Westminster Theological Seminary) is pastor, Bible counselor and director of the Institute for Biblical Counseling and Discipleship (IBCD).
"This book is for all parents. The authors of this book are not trying to lecture us because they themselves went through difficult times while raising their children. They offer practical and biblical reflections that lead us to reflect and search the scriptures. »
- Sylvia Evans, responsible for Women of the Word (Gospel 21)
“Being a parent is a great privilege that comes with its share of joys and challenges. One of the biggest challenges for many Christian parents is dealing with the sadness and anxiety when their children make bad decisions. How can we be a good parent while living the peace and consolation of God when guilt and fear knock on our door? Elyse Fitzpatrick and Jim Newheiser answer this question very skillfully in When Our Children Make Bad Choices. I recommend this book to all parents who want to apply the gospel to the challenges inherent in their role as parents. "
- Matthieu Caron, pastor at the Evangelical Baptist Church of Shawinigan-Sud; president of the Biblical Counseling Foundation
Table of contents
Introduction: Our dream family
Part 1: The Quest for Comfort and Wisdom as a Parent
1. What determines the fate of a child?
2. Their choices, our tears
3. Your divided house
Part 2: Understanding the Paths of Your Children
4. The Basics of Fruit Inspection (Part 1)
5. The Basics of Fruit Inspection (Part 2)
6. But my child is different!
7. Will the medication help my child?
Part Three: Show Wisdom With Your Children
8. War for the Salvation of Their Souls
9. The discipline's offensive
10. Love's Offensive
11. “Here is our son who is stubborn and rebellious”
12. Your ultimate hope
Appendix A: How to tell if you're a Christian
Appendix B: Useful resources
Appendix C: The doctor says my child has need for medication
Appendix D: Table of expectations and consequences
Original title : When Good Kids Makes Bad Choices
Authors : Elyse Fitzpatrick & Jim Newheiser
Publisher : Impact
Publication : September 2020
ISBN : 978-2-89082-402-7
Pages : 290
Dimensions : 5.5 "x 8.5"
Format : paperback
Weight : 348 g