<transcy>What Can We Know about God? (Que pouvons-nous savoir au sujet de Dieu ?)</transcy>
Available: February 1, 2022
Who is God, and how can we know him?
Jesus said it is essential that we know God. Creation clearly shows us that God exists, but if we are to learn more about our Creator, we must learn what he revealed about himself in the Bible.
In this little book, R. C. Sproul explains what Scripture teaches about the nature, will and attributes of God, while presenting a glorious image of the one true God - the one we are called to know , and whom we should trust and obey.
R. C. Sproul was the founder of Ligonier Ministries, the founding pastor of Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Florida, and the first president of Reformation Bible College. He is the author of over a hundred books, including The Holiness of God and Chosen by God .
Table of contents
1. Know God
2. One in essence
3. Three in person
4. Incommunicable at tributes
5. Communicable attributes
6. God's will
7. The providence of God
Original title : What Can We Know about God?
Author : RC Sproul
Publisher : La Rochelle
Publication : February 2021
ISBN : 978-2-924895-41-2
Pages : 65
Dimensions : 5 "x7"
Format : paperback