<transcy>Put God back at the heart of preaching Replacer Dieu au coeur de la prédication()</transcy>
Sunday morning, 9:25 a.m. The biblical text is chosen. Your exegetical research is refined. The illustrations are relevant. The 3-point plan is crystal clear. The title is evocative. Do you really think you are ready to take God's message to his people?
God has chosen to bring about life and revival through his messengers. But who is up to it? We may have forgotten that there is more to preaching than applying a method. It is about glorifying the Savior God and restoring His reign in hearts. Our audience is in dire need of recognizing the supremacy of God in order to submit to it with joy. The Bible and the work of powerful preachers like Jonathan Edwards can perfectly teach us to (re) delight in God. We (re) make us taste the joys of the beautiful ministry of the preacher. And remind us of what is at the heart of all preaching. Whatever the theme, GOD, in His glorious splendor, must come first.
Here is the perfect antidote to all the fanciful and egotistical preaching of today. A book every preacher should read once a year. - Erwin W. Lutzer
John Piper makes a passionate and prophetic appeal to all preachers: put God above all technique and at the heart of each of your preaching. - Dr. Bryan Chapell
A powerful tonic for the weary preacher. A book that delves deeply into the theology, strategy and spirituality of the ministry of the Word. - J.-I. Packer
Author : Piper, John
Publisher : BLF Éditions
Publication : May 7, 2012
Dimensions : 13 x 21 cm
Pages : 128
Format : paperback
Weight : 154 g