<transcy>Enjoy your prayer life (Retrouver la joie de prier)</transcy>
WE ARE NOT GOOD FOR PRAYER. This is unfortunately true for most of us and it shouldn't surprise us. However, this book does not approach the subject of prayer in a guilty way. Instead of telling us to pray better or pray more often, the author instead shows us why prayer is essential and why we should take full advantage of it.
Drawing on Calvin's definition of "prayer is the primary exercise of faith," Michael Reeves helps us understand that prayer should be a natural expression of our faith. Just as our faith is awakened as we grasp the wonders of the gospel, prayer should be our heart's response to these glorious truths.
Rediscovering the joy of praying is a small matter a pleasant book to read which makes us understand that prayer should not be a duty to be performed, but rather a gift to be savored.
MICHAEL REEVES (Ph.D., King’s College) is Professor of Theology and President of the Union School of Theology in Oxford, England. He is the author of several books, including The Inconceivable God and Abundance in Jesus. He is a member of the college of teachers at Ligonier Ministries.Recommendations
"This little book is not a technical manual on prayer, but rather a call to fall in love with God again through prayer. Regulars will recognize the humility, wonder, depth and humor that mark the teachings of Michael Reeves. Here is a book to put in the hands of as many people as possible! "
- SYLVIO JANELLE, pastor of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Saint George
“The prayer life of many believers suffers because of the confusion over the roles performed by the three persons of the Trinity. This little book not only sheds light on these questions, but it also recalls the great privilege that prayer represents. "
- JAMES HELY HUTCHINSON, director of the Institut Biblique de Bruxelles
"This engaging book by Michael Reeves, through passionate reading, becomes a powerful tool to bring us to our knees. Whether it is by the urgency of checking our vital signs or by the overwhelming attraction of fellowship with the Blessed Trinity, we are continually prompted to rejoice in our prayer life. You could say this is a quick read, if you don't take into account the number of pauses you need to take to immerse yourself in prayer! "
- DAVID ROMER PELOSI, pastor of the Good News Church, Paris
"So let Michael Reeves nourish and encourage you in your prayer life!" I highly recommend this book to you. "
- PAUL E. MILLER, author of A life in prayer
Table of contents
1. Prayer, this problem
2. Prayer, what is it?
3. Help!
4. We are all sinners
5. Prayer is born from the Word of God
6. Pray like Jesus
7. Praying to God, our Father
8. Pray at all times
9. Depend on God
10. The Spirit Helps Us
11. The Spirit molds us into the likeness of Christ when we pray
12. The Spirit brings us together so that we may be in communion with God
13. Enjoying the Life of God
14. So let's exercise our faith and pray!
Original title : Enjoy your prayer life
Author : Michael Reeves
Publisher : Cruciforme
Publication : February 2020
ISBN : 978-2-924595-886
Dimensions : 5 "x 7"
Pages : 61
Format : paperback
Weight : 75 g